Friday, December 02, 2005

Kiddie Stuff

It's been some time since I've updated this thing! I'm sure all my 5 readers were on pins and needles awaiting my return! Hehe...yeah right!

Let's see - where to begin:

Kids are doing great!
Hunter's doing well in school. He's loving every minute of it. And learning alot...I hope. He always tells us that he will learn in Kindergarten. HUH? We pay tuition now - but he'll wait to learn something when it's free (sorta). He's starting to ask all kinds of questions - why this and why that. Stuff that makes me realize how little I know! LOL He's learning what we as a family - do and do not do. Like Halloween and Christmas - the trickey thing is teaching him why, yet getting him to understand that others may observe those holidays and it's not for us to worry about. It's been intersting. Lizzie is...well Lizzie. What can I say, she's my daughter. I'm so overjoyed to have been blessed with a girl, but let me tell ya - one'll do me! In all seriousness, she's wonderful. She talks up a storm: to me, Hunter and mostly herself! She's getting so tall and well - she's beautiful! As much as I want her to stay little forever, I can't wait until she's older - I hope we have the same kind of relationship that I have with my mom! Tanner - what can I say about my little man? He's getting so big. He's over 23 pounds, not sure how tall he is. He's got 8 teeth - the poor guy! He had quite a time with those! He's wearing 12-18 month clothes. The little booger is as stubborn as all get out! He's constantly testing his limits. I'm not sure how to explain it, but if you've got a 8/9 month old - you know what I mean! (And most of you do have that 8/9 month old! LOL) He's pulling up, cruising, dancing, clapping and babbling! He's amazing! He's also figuring out balance...some. He's just figuring out that it exists!

Well - that's all on the kids...exept my biggest one - and he deserves a post of his own!