Tuesday, December 25, 2007

End of year update

It's Christmas Day and we're bored! Ok - thats not true. We're actually having fun watching movies, watching the kids do gymnastics, play catch (in the livingroom grr), wrestling with Dad. For not celebrating Christmas, we sure have done alot these past couple of days. Yesterday we made sugar cookies and decorated them. (MMM...tasty!) We're running out of things to do and we're getting a little bit bored. There's nothing but Christmas programming on, so we're tired of TV.

This has been one exciting year!!! A brief recap:

We moved to New Hampshire. We're still trying to sell our home in Michigan. Hunter is 6.5 and is having a GREAT first grade year. Lizzie is 4.5 and starts preschool in 8 days (and IS literally counting those days!). Tanner, who will be 3 in March, is - as usual - cracking us up!

We are enjoying New England. We've has quite the snow this year. We were told that our winters wouldn't be all that different from Michigan....whoever told us that LIED. We've had 33 inches of snow so far this year (I think it only snowed in December - can't remember). This is more than the snow they had ALL of LAST winter. So - hopefully, next winter will be more like Michigan...we'll see.

Jeremy has not had to travel in several weeks and we've really enjoyed having him home at night!! He will start some more travel in January, but hopefully it won't be so bad.

Thats my update for now. I'll try to get some more pictures up soon.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Some pictures for you all!

Here are some recent pictures. There are quite a few and you need to click "Older Posts" at the bottom to see the next page of pics...

Hopefully I'll have a written update on here soon!!

Individuals of the kids...at Hunter's school

Kids with the Parents!! (at Hunter's school)

Kids at Hunter's school

Our COLD outing! (lighthouse and Fort Williams area)

Seeing Maine!

These first two pictures are of the lighthouses at
Two Lights State Park in Cape Elizabeth, Maine

This is Portland Head Light at Fort Williams in Cape Elizabeth.

Thanksgiving Trip - Kids at LL Bean in Freeport, Maine

These hats on the kids cracked us up!! (however, the price on the tag didn't!)

Lizzie and Tanner Cooking with Daddy

Tanner helping Dad roll out dough for cinnamon rolls.

Lizzie's turn to help!! (keep a close eye on Tanner!)
And there he is - swiping some sugar!!

Thanksgiving Day Pictures

Sitting down to eat
If you look closely enough, you will see a that Tanner
took a finger dip of each cupcake!! Goofy kid