Monday, March 31, 2008

When you WANT to do the right thing...

Why is it so hard to help the less fortunate...ok, so that phrase isn't really fitting this situation, but kinda.

So, there are a couple of boys at our apt. complex (and that attend H's school) that are starved for attention (IMHO). During the summer, they would be at the playground, unsupervised and oft times be wondering around the complex. There's no way that their mom could see them from their apt. They have been asking to come over FOREVER. I always put them off, b/c I'd not met their mom and I'm not comfortable with kids being over without me knowing a parent. (Don't even get me started about letting my own kids go somewhere that I don't know a parent - that is a HUGE no-no!!). Anyway - a couple of weeks ago, they figured out exactly which apartment we live in (I'm sure H was happy to inform them! LOL). They showed up and I decided to let them come up and play a while.

I want my kids to be kind and loving to others - to EVERYONE - regardless of race, gender, etc. I want them to befriend the shy kids and be nice to the mean ones. I want them to stand up for the ones that get made fun of. These are things that I want to teach them to do.

But at what cost? How far do I let this go? These kids are just kids. They *seem* to come from a family that just overlooks them (to a degree - I'm not saying they are being completely neglected). I want to let them come into our home and feel important. But again, at what cost? They are influencing our kids in ways that I'm not liking at all. They are constantly asking for things (asking to have certain toys). I was told by another mom here at the complex that you have to check the older ones pockets upon their leaving. I've worked REALLY hard at not judginh them based on her comment. I don't watch them like a hawk (like I wanted to when they first came over). The older asked H for a toy when they were here once. It's something that was with a set and as nice as we could, we informed the kids that they couldn't give anything away *today* - trying to make it a point that maybe one time we would allow something like that. Then we overheard him whisper to H to just pretend that he lost it. AGHAGHAGH!

OK - done venting. I want to help these boys, but I don't want my kids picking up their bad habits.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Family Weekends

It's always nice to have Daddy home on the weekends, but of course, they go way too fast! It's Sunday, and we're already hating that he has to leave again tomorrow. I'm definitely ready for this specific install to be done!!

So today, we're just hanging out! Playing Legos and Webkins, watching some tv and doing some cleaning.

Hopefully this week will be better than last. It's no fun with sick kids! And although they're not 100%, I'm hopeful for a much better week!

Hopefully, my next post will have some birthday pictures from Tanner's party!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm pretty bummed...

When we moved here we quickly met a little boy named T and his mom L. L is married to a navy guy. We quickly became friends and have done things together quite a bit over the last 7 months. We knew that they were Navy and we would eventually say goodbye - but thought we had all summer to go. I found out today that they will be leaving the 3rd week of April. That's ONE month.

Anyway - we'll miss them alot. The kids love to play with T. And L is literally my one friend here.

I know that things change and life goes on - but today, I'm having a hard time with this. Please pray for us.

Monday, March 17, 2008

What's My News??

Because I know you are all on pins and needles trying figure out what our new is - I'm posting to put you out of your a minute...

Are we buying a house??? Are you kidding? LOL - NO. (Houses up here are outrageously expensive - we may rent forever).

Hmmm...are we going on a great vacation? Well - we do get to get away in June - Jeremy's parents will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary! Congrats Mom and Dad!! We're really looking forward to celebrating with them and seeing family. But that's not our news.

And we didn't win the lottery.

Ok - here ya go:
We've decided to homeschool the kids. Yep - thats all there is to it. No big deal to most, but I am super excited about it. We chose to hs for a few reasons. I had never wanted my kids in a public school by the time they were in middle school/jr. high. It had always been the plan to put them through elementary and them take them out after 5th grade. However, the more we thought about it - it just made sense to take them out now. I didn't want them developing close friendships and then us ripping them away from their friends. Also - with Jeremy's travels, this will make it much easier to join him when the opportunities arise to do so. Hunter's issues with the *bully* probably did push me to choose hs'ing now, because unfortunately, it just gets harder, not easier. Kids get more mean (not all kids, of course). So - we're taking the plunge and giving it our best shot. We'll start next school year. Please keep us in your prayers, we'll definitely need them!

Thanks for sharing in my news!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Life in New Hampshire

Well, it's been too long since I've updatd this blog. My apologies to those that actually come here to see what we're up to.

What have we been up to? Seems that much is going on, yet it's the same 'ole, same 'ole.

This winter has pushed my limits! Too much snow. I can't believe how much we've gotten. It even snowed this morning (MARCH 15th!!). We've been stuck in the apartment and it wears on my sanity! The kids are getting a bit stir-crazy too, so I hope it warms up soon. HOWEVER, after snow comes the MUD. I may decide I prefer the snow.

Jeremy's been traveling alot lately. We try to just go with the flow, but will be happier when he's home more!! We miss him when he's gone.

We're struggling with a home church. Our plan is to go back to the Boston COG7 next week and stay there. We've really missed being apart of a regular service. Please be in prayer for us regarding this issue.

The kids are doing great. We just can't believe how fast they're growing. They are all getting so tall (and outgrowing their clothing so quickly!).

Hunter is still enjoying his school. We did have a bit of an issue with a bully at school, but we are hoping that has been taken care of. It's really hard for me to call a 6-7 year old a bully. While it wasn't anything physical and it wasn't what most of us think a school bully is like, it was bullying all the same. Hunter is just fine and I hope he's learned a lesson from this as well.

Lizzie is doing REALLY well in preschool. She absolutely loves it. She would go all day, every day, if it were possible. She's has connected with a little girl named Caitlyn and they really enjoy each other. Lizzie got her ears pierced a month ago. She and DAD finally wore me down (sigh) and she really did well. I was really surprised at how brave she was. We took them out for the first time today to clean the earrings really good. I was a little concerned that she wouldn't let me put them back in, but she did!! We got her a new pair of earrings for her to wear - she gets them tomorrow. It's a surprise!

Tanner - turns 3 years old tomorrow and we really hope he doesn't outgrow his Diego kick anytime soon - as the party is ALL THINGS DIEGO! Go Diego Go! We're excited. This will really be his first birthday that he'll understand all the hype - so we're going all out (well, as all out as is possible for me - LOL). I made the cupcakes tonight - that will be iced and decorated tomorrow with Diego candies. Another big deal around here with Tanner is: HE'S POTTY-TRAINED! We started about 2 weeks ago and he's doing awesome!! He's even dry at night! NO more diapers! Tanner enjoys attending playgroup on Fridays and is always up for playdates with his *best buddy* Taite.

Well - I've got more news...but I'm going to post that later ( NO - I'm NOT pregnant!!! )

I'm sorry it took me so long to get this done and I hope to do better in the future!!

Update coming soon...

Hello my faithful 3 readers! LOL

I will be updating very soon - so please stay tuned. Lots of changes going on!!!