I'm happy to report that we've had an "ok" day today! Nothing SPECTACULAR happened, but we got all of our work done AND we went to the library for some game time!
I was pleasantly surprised at how well our game day went today. We reserved a room in the library and just brought out board games (from home) and the kids really enjoyed it. There were about 10 kids there and ALL were actually playing games together. It was so nice to see that they can have fun without having to run around like mad people (gym time!). Lets see, we played Monopoly Jr., Spy Alley, Sorry, Connect Four, Blockus, SCAT, Chutes & Ladders and Uno. I hope we can do it again soon!!
On a school note, Hunter and Lizzie both started on new handwriting material today. I was happy to find out that the Transition Book from A Reason for Handwriting has manuscript lessons that Hunter doesn't need, so I'm using them for Lizzie. They liked them alot. Hunter's doing some prep-practice and is getting ready to jump into cursive. We also really enjoyed our Egermeier's Bible Story Book. We read in the morning before we start our work - and they are bummed out when we have to stop reading.
Anyway - that was our Tuesday. Waiting for a phone call to go meet a friend to pick up Lizzie. So glad she's found a little friend to connect with!
Until next time...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
New Schedule
A few weeks ago, I tried to put our school time on a schedule. Every subject had a start time and end time. That DID NOT work. It was too much pressure on all of us and when we didn't get it right, it caused frustration which caused more stress. So, after one day, I threw it out the window. I'm not sure why I tried that, but it was a FAIL.
While a schedule for school work isn't what we need - a schedule for our day is in order!! So, we're going to give it a shot!
Our proposed daily schedule:
6:30 a.m. - Mom's wake up call
7:30 a.m. - Kids' wake up and breakfast call
8:30 a.m. - School starts - Our school time will continue as is: H & L have workboxes with their daily work...when their boxes are empty, their school day is done. Currently, we have 5-6 workboxes per day, but I'm actually hoping to up that to about 7-8, maybe more. It wouldn't necessarily be more work, but the work they have broken down into more boxes to make each box seem like less work!! I'm also hoping to add in more "elective" type work. We currently don't do much more than our core curriculum: math, language, reading, science, history, handwriting, spelling, Bible. I'd like to toss in Sign Language, music, art, etc. Not every day, but a few times per week. We'll see, that's a thought in progress.
12:00 - lunch - we may or may not be done at this point in the day. Whatever isn't done, will have to be finished up around our afternoon activities. The plan will be directly after lunch, but some of our home school group activities may push those times to later.
Currently, our activity schedule is:
Monday 2-3p.m. - Homeschool Open Gym at the YMCA
Tuesday 1:30(?)-? - Library Day (details still being worked out)
Wednesday 6:20-8p.m. - Awana
Thursday Homeschool Open Gymnastics at Beverly YMCA (we've not done this yet, but I plan to add it in - we need more physical activity) - checking on times
Friday No activity - our down time!
I'm excited to get underway on this schedule. When Jeremy is gone, which is often, our days just kind mumble jumble around - and we need a bit more structure.
Here's hoping that this helps us be more productive as students/teacher, which will in turn, help me be more productive as a housewife and MOM!
Until next time....
While a schedule for school work isn't what we need - a schedule for our day is in order!! So, we're going to give it a shot!
Our proposed daily schedule:
6:30 a.m. - Mom's wake up call
7:30 a.m. - Kids' wake up and breakfast call
8:30 a.m. - School starts - Our school time will continue as is: H & L have workboxes with their daily work...when their boxes are empty, their school day is done. Currently, we have 5-6 workboxes per day, but I'm actually hoping to up that to about 7-8, maybe more. It wouldn't necessarily be more work, but the work they have broken down into more boxes to make each box seem like less work!! I'm also hoping to add in more "elective" type work. We currently don't do much more than our core curriculum: math, language, reading, science, history, handwriting, spelling, Bible. I'd like to toss in Sign Language, music, art, etc. Not every day, but a few times per week. We'll see, that's a thought in progress.
12:00 - lunch - we may or may not be done at this point in the day. Whatever isn't done, will have to be finished up around our afternoon activities. The plan will be directly after lunch, but some of our home school group activities may push those times to later.
Currently, our activity schedule is:
Monday 2-3p.m. - Homeschool Open Gym at the YMCA
Tuesday 1:30(?)-? - Library Day (details still being worked out)
Wednesday 6:20-8p.m. - Awana
Thursday Homeschool Open Gymnastics at Beverly YMCA (we've not done this yet, but I plan to add it in - we need more physical activity) - checking on times
Friday No activity - our down time!
I'm excited to get underway on this schedule. When Jeremy is gone, which is often, our days just kind mumble jumble around - and we need a bit more structure.
Here's hoping that this helps us be more productive as students/teacher, which will in turn, help me be more productive as a housewife and MOM!
Until next time....
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Bible Time
I'm so excited that we've received our Egermeier Bible Story Book! We've only been half-way having Bible time in the mornings. We often sing a song and pray, but I'm ready to get a little more in depth. I'm also excited to try out BJU Bible curriculum next year.
Happy Wednesday!
Happy Wednesday!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Our 5 Senses Lapbooks...
Well, we made our first attempt at lapbooks and I guess I'm happy with them. Most importantly, the kids enjoyed them alot and they got a good review in science.
I hope in the future that I'm more creative with the materials that we used. The file folders were the recycled cheapies that my husband picked up at the start of school. I'm happy to be *green*, but I wouldn't mind some color!
So - here are the pictures. I hope to be able to keep them organized in my uploading!

I hope in the future that I'm more creative with the materials that we used. The file folders were the recycled cheapies that my husband picked up at the start of school. I'm happy to be *green*, but I wouldn't mind some color!
So - here are the pictures. I hope to be able to keep them organized in my uploading!
Well - we're still using workboxes and I love the concept, but I'm really not using them to their full potential. Not sure I want to have 12 boxes for each kid, but I think we could add a couple and benefit from it! We currently use 5-6 every day - and only for our core curriculum! I find that I'm not organized enough to pull off much more...but I want to try!!
So - here's to a week of organizing, researching, etc. Hopefully I'll be all set to add some boxes in next Monday - Jan. 25.
UNTIL THEN - this week, in addition to our usual school work, we're still working on our 5 senses lapbook (will finish that up tomorrow). I found a great site that has some MLK stuff on it I think the kids will enjoy. I'm trying to decide if I'm going to do a lapbook for MLK or not. We'll also be continuing our US States memorization. We're learning this song The kids seem to be enjoying it!
We're also schooling this week sans Daddy. He's been in MI since last Wednesday and won't return until Friday. So far, so ok. He was working from office for 3 and 1/2 weeks, so we're having to adjust to his travels all over again! Ready for this traveling to be over, but it will be a while. Would appreciate your prayers for contentment and thankfulness.
Happy Monday!!!
So - here's to a week of organizing, researching, etc. Hopefully I'll be all set to add some boxes in next Monday - Jan. 25.
UNTIL THEN - this week, in addition to our usual school work, we're still working on our 5 senses lapbook (will finish that up tomorrow). I found a great site that has some MLK stuff on it I think the kids will enjoy. I'm trying to decide if I'm going to do a lapbook for MLK or not. We'll also be continuing our US States memorization. We're learning this song The kids seem to be enjoying it!
We're also schooling this week sans Daddy. He's been in MI since last Wednesday and won't return until Friday. So far, so ok. He was working from office for 3 and 1/2 weeks, so we're having to adjust to his travels all over again! Ready for this traveling to be over, but it will be a while. Would appreciate your prayers for contentment and thankfulness.
Happy Monday!!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Starting our week off right! ;)
Well, we started our week with a day off! I'm sure that's just the way the kids like it!
Dad took the day off work to run some errands (we had to visit the Registry of Motor Vehicles - 'nuff said), so we did some extra work last week and will do some extra work this week to make up for that time off. So, we headed out at 8:30a.m. and with a couple stops back home, we ended our day day around 6p.m.
The fun part of our day was swimming and homeschool gym at the Y! The kids had a great time and I'm hoping that means they'll sleep hard tonight (which hopefully means they won't be in my bed in the middle of the night).
This week we'll be starting Hunter's new spelling book. We've decided to go with *Book 3*. We'll also be working on our Sense Organs/Nervous System lapbook. I'm excited to get started on some lapbooks...just hope that they go over well with the kids!
Anyway, along with the rest of our regular work, it should be a full week!
Happy Monday!
Dad took the day off work to run some errands (we had to visit the Registry of Motor Vehicles - 'nuff said), so we did some extra work last week and will do some extra work this week to make up for that time off. So, we headed out at 8:30a.m. and with a couple stops back home, we ended our day day around 6p.m.
The fun part of our day was swimming and homeschool gym at the Y! The kids had a great time and I'm hoping that means they'll sleep hard tonight (which hopefully means they won't be in my bed in the middle of the night).
This week we'll be starting Hunter's new spelling book. We've decided to go with *Book 3*. We'll also be working on our Sense Organs/Nervous System lapbook. I'm excited to get started on some lapbooks...just hope that they go over well with the kids!
Anyway, along with the rest of our regular work, it should be a full week!
Happy Monday!
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Wordly Wise - Which book?
LOL - I decided to switch Hunter from A Beka spelling to Wordly Wise, in hopes that he will enjoy it more and not dread spelling every day! I still am unsure about which book he's supposed to use...I've ordered two. Book B and Book 3. Hopefully, I'll get Book 3 in the next couple of days and I can compare the two.
There is one thing that, if I choose to use Book B, I'm going to have to change. There are stories as part of the exercises that contain discussion of evolution. The kids already know a little about evolution - but I don't want it in their school work. So, I'm going to have to be sure to check out the stories before he reads!!
We'll see how it goes!
There is one thing that, if I choose to use Book B, I'm going to have to change. There are stories as part of the exercises that contain discussion of evolution. The kids already know a little about evolution - but I don't want it in their school work. So, I'm going to have to be sure to check out the stories before he reads!!
We'll see how it goes!
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Bible Curriculum
Well, I've been trying to research and choose a Bible curriculum for the kids. I had thought I would just make my own as we went along, but that is proving to not work for us! I put it off - or just plain forget...so, I'd like to have a specific curriculum to follow.
I asked for suggestions on Facebook and on the Everything Homeschool forum - and have come up with these possibilities. As of now, I purchased Egermeier's Bible Story Book to use for the remainder of the year (and beyond). I believe that for next year, we're going to try Bob Jones Bible Curriculum. Since Hunter will be in the 4th grade and Lizzie in 2nd - we'll use the 3rd grade program.
We'll see how it goes - I'm sure I'll update as we go.
I asked for suggestions on Facebook and on the Everything Homeschool forum - and have come up with these possibilities. As of now, I purchased Egermeier's Bible Story Book to use for the remainder of the year (and beyond). I believe that for next year, we're going to try Bob Jones Bible Curriculum. Since Hunter will be in the 4th grade and Lizzie in 2nd - we'll use the 3rd grade program.
We'll see how it goes - I'm sure I'll update as we go.
A New Direction
Since I've been Facebooking I have been very lazy in keeping up with my blog! I really do want to keep this going, so I'm going to change directions and share about our homeschooling experiences here!
A brief intro - for any new readers:
We are the Scotts - family of 5, living in New England. Jeremy and I have been married for 13+ years and have 2 boys and 1 girl. Hunter is 8 and a half, Lizzie is 6 and a half and Tanner will be 5 in March.
This is our first year homeschooling. Homeschooling was something I always planned to do, just not necessarily this soon. The plan was to start schooling at home when they got to Jr. High age - but due to excessive traveling on the husbands part :) - we decided to give it a try, hoping to start traveling some with Dad!
We are currently using A Beka curriculum for most of our studies and we loosely use Sue Patrick's workbox system I'm pretty happy with what we are using, but am constantly looking to see what else is out there.
Hopefully, this blog with be an outlet for me to share our day, our successes, MY frustrations, etc.
A brief intro - for any new readers:
We are the Scotts - family of 5, living in New England. Jeremy and I have been married for 13+ years and have 2 boys and 1 girl. Hunter is 8 and a half, Lizzie is 6 and a half and Tanner will be 5 in March.
This is our first year homeschooling. Homeschooling was something I always planned to do, just not necessarily this soon. The plan was to start schooling at home when they got to Jr. High age - but due to excessive traveling on the husbands part :) - we decided to give it a try, hoping to start traveling some with Dad!
We are currently using A Beka curriculum for most of our studies and we loosely use Sue Patrick's workbox system I'm pretty happy with what we are using, but am constantly looking to see what else is out there.
Hopefully, this blog with be an outlet for me to share our day, our successes, MY frustrations, etc.
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