Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My first "REAL" post of 2007...

here at blogger/blotspot (whatever it's called).

This is a brag on Lizzie!!!

Liz takes gymnastics in six week sessions on Tuesday afternoons. This is her second session and her last class will be next Tuesday. Liz has always done a really good job. She seemed to be able to do a little bit better physicall than the rest of the girls - but mostly she did MUCH BETTER on listening and not running all over the place. Now - these are girls that are ages 3-5. Not unusual for them to not just sit and be at rapt attention throughout the whole class. Usually they're not really that bad. They just like to run to their moms/dads/grandmas to give hugs and such...ALL THE TIME. Yesterday was no exception. I was actually getting a bit frustrated. I mean, we do pay for these classes and I want Liz to be able to learn something.

Anyway - so yesterday was a bit frustrating...but there's nothing I can do, so I was trying to not let it bother me too much. After class, the teacher told Lizzie to have me wait so she could talk to me. She told me that when/if I sign her up for another 6 week session to put her in the next class up. That's the Kindergarten/First Grade class. She told me that they look for how well the kids listen and such before offereing to class to the younger students Liz turns 4 in May.

I'm very proud of my little gymnast that the teachers are noticing that she listens and stays put during class. She's learning alot and doing a great job!

YAY Lizzie!

Made a decision...MySpace 2-26-07 (from MySpace)

Hello Friends!! I am putting this in my blog and also posting a bulletin to read my blog so that hopefully all of my friends will see this SOON.

I have decided to delete my MySpace account. For MYSELF (29 years YOUNG), I don't think there's anything wrong with MySpace. I have enjoyed meeting up with new friends (March2005Babies, HC, etc), old friends (Sequoyah HS, Carousel Day Care, etc.), church friends and even several family members. I love that we've been able to connect and keep in better touch. I will REALLY miss being able to do this. For this reason, I DON'T want to delete. But there's a greater good involved.

I am a member of the Church of God (7th Day) located in XXXX, XXXX (LOL - most of you know where I am!) - this is the same location as a christian boarding school where the students are not allowed to participate on MySpace. I do understand the dangers that MySpace can present to young pre-teens and teenagers...even young adults. I see these students EVERY week and I really need to be a better example in all that I do around them. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that everyone that is a member of our church should delete. This is a personal decision I'm making for me. I hope you all understand. I'll be deleting my account in THREE days (Thursday, March 1).

I'll miss you and would love for anyone and everyone that is interested to email me at so that I will have your email and be able to continue to be in touch with you! This is a temporary account and I'll be emailing you back from my main account.

Thanks everyone!!
Have a great day!
I'll miss seeing you around "mySpace"!
Love ya'll!

I can't win...2-15-07 (from MySpace)

So - Lizzie's been doing REALLY great staying dry at night!! This is very good! We've been praising like crazy and she even got to wear big girl undies to bed (no pull up) and stayed dry! VERY COOL!

Now she's having accidents during the day. One yesterday and one today!

My Valentine's Loot 2-13-07 (from MySpace)

So my hubby came home with the goods tonight! We usually don't buy for each other on Valentine's Day, but this year he's feeling particularly thankful, I guess. So - he showed me!!

I got new Jammies - soft, flannel like! Just the kind I like!

A Wal-Mart Gift card for "unmentionables". Just what I need! (yeah, I realize that you didn't need to know that, but hey, I like to share!)

Hershey Kisses - with Cherry Cordial creme inside! YUMMY

Two new pans for the stove! So - this was as much for him as for me, as he does about as much cooking (maybe more) as I do.


eh...whatever 2-13-07 (from MySpace)

Do you ever get a blog all set to's something that you really wanted to share and while it's certainly not extremely important that you get this news out - you're excited to share it all the same...then your stupid computer acts up and you lose it all. And then you really don't care to share it anymore.

Yep - that happened to me this morning. And now I don't care anymore.
It was actually making fun of myself and my 'mad driving skilz.' It was a funny it just seems stupid. LOL

OK - so I'll share a little. I was supposed to go EAST. I went WEST. Boogers. (that would be my kid-friendly version of CRAP).

Have a great day!!!

My Toes Are Frozen 12-07-06 (from MySpace)

Apparently I'm not supposed to share my week with you. I just had a bunch of stuff typed up... and hit a funky key and lost it all.

Let me see if I can condense it for you:

Monday: Jeremy left for Chicago. Tuesday: took kids to gymnastics, tried to buy them snacks, no wallet. Check at home, no wallet. Go back to gymnastics class, no wallet. Go pick up Tanner from Uncle Tim's. Hunter throws up on the way. Get paper towels from Uncle Tim. Clean Hunter up enough to get home. Go home the old way...waste 10 minutes and almost hit a deer. Hunter throws up AGAIN before arriving home. Get Hunter cleaned up and kids on couch in front of TV. Look for wallet again. Talk to Jeremy. Decide that someone at gymnastics had to have stolen my wallet out of my purse. (I was stupid and left it under my chair while taking Liz to potty) Feeling really stressed out about this. Still talking to Jeremy...and see my wallet on the counter in the kitchen under the calendar. OH YEAH! I remember now why it was in there. Stupid insurance company! Feeling much better. Put the kids to bed. I had plans earlier in the day to put kids down that night and really clean up my upstairs and get tons of launrdy done. LOL With all that happened that evening: I poured myself a huge Pepsi, turned on the TV in the bedroom and zoned out until I fell asleep on my bed. That was just Tuesday.
Wednesday: Kept Hunter home. He's fine ALL day. Still got NOTHING done around the house. Got nothing done last night except to get Hunter's vomit covered coat washed.

TODAY: My toes are frozen. Why? Took Hunter to school. Came home. Was locked out of house. It's stinkin' cold out there. Put kids back in warm van. Remember that I had the window in the kitchen open yesterday and didn't remember locking it. Thank goodness. Finally pry the window open standing on Pepper's dog house. Got ladder out of shed b/c dog house isn't tall enough, climb in window. Get kids in house. Put ladder back. Pick up snow covered purse in backyard. My toes are frozen and they hurt.

Will it ever end??

Going now to find some cheese for my whine.

Have a great day!!

He Gives Us So Much...11-21-06 (from MySpace)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Thanksgiving. This is my absolute favorite holiday and I'm so excited that we'll be hosting Thanksgiving in our new home.

This year we'll have my aunt Cindy, uncle Rick and cousin Karri. We're also having my uncle Tim, aunt Lisa and their 4 kids: Colby, Madeline, Chloe and Kassidy. It will be a houseful, but I can't wait. I like to "do up" Thanksgiving like the people that already have their Christmas lights lit and Christmas tree up. Hmm..another reason to be thankful I don't celebrate Christmas - I'd be exhausted if I had to "do up" both holidays! LOL
It's amazing how at this time of reflecting on all the wondeful blessings we've received, Satan is working extra hard to make it harder on us to remember. Things just aren't going according to plan and I'm getting a bit overwhelmed and a tad frustrated, but I am working on it.

I hope you don't mind me sharing with you what I'm thankful for this year:

First and foremost: My Savior - without Him, my life would have NO meaning. I would have no reason to get up in the morning.

My FAMILY. They mean the world to me. I would be absolutely lost without them. Jeremy is my best friend. My children are the second reason I get up in the morning. I could go on and on, but I know that those of you who are mothers (and fathers) understand just how much my kids mean to me!

My friends. I'm not the kind of person that has a great big circle of friends...but I do have several wonderful friends that I love very much. God has blessed me.

My church family. I LOVE you Owosso people. And I love that all of you have made me want to call this place HOME.

There's so much more....but I'm going to quit for now. God has richly blessed me and my family. We are so thankful for His Love.May God bless all of you during this Thanksgiving season.

Are We Having Visitors?? 11-09-06 (from MySpace)

The kids and I were talking in the van yesterday about how eating healthy will make you live a long time. This led to Lizzie telling me that she didn't want to die. This led to me telling her that there was a good chance that the Lord would be coming back before she would be old enough to die. This led to talking about when the Lord will come back....very cute conversation. Also a good opener for me to talk to the kids about how we should always strive to be ready.

So this morning at the store, out of the blue Lizzie asks: "Are God and Jesus coming over tomorrow??" She's ready for a visit!!!

I hope I can always be as ready as Lizzie is!

Loserville 11-01-06 (from MySpace)

I feel like such a loser...ok, I am a loser!!!

I signed up to do these articles for $$. Grant it, not a lot of $$, but some pocket change. Seemed easy enough and I took on my first assignment. With this particular assignment and the way it is to be written, I am clueless!!! Don't even know where to begin. 400 words and needs to be done tonight by 8p.m. Ahem...I'm a loser.

Kiddie Updates 10-26-06 (from MySpace)

Hunter: Loving school! Says "dude" about everything. That word has taken the place of the following phrases: "That's cool.", "Do I have to?", "Can I have that?", you say the phrase, he has somehow replaced it with "dude". HUH? I admit that he got some of it from me. I call them dudes all the time, but I don't use the word in those contexts...I'm not a 15 year old male! And neither is he - tho' apparently he thinks he is.

Lizzie: What can I say about our only, spoiled rotten baby girl? She's a bit whiny these days and doesn't seem to know how to listen, but she's the sweetest whiner out there. Also, she's very big into protecting her mama. Gotta love that one. She's very much enjoying going to Story Hour at the Library. She also gets to take her cousin/friend Chloe. It's been fun!

Tanner: Same tank as always! Big news: For the last 4 nights, he's not had a bottle in the middle of night. (yes, many of you think I had already had that problem under control - don't ask!). I've refused to bring him downstairs and we're down to waking once and fussing for about 10 minutes before falling asleep again. BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT for the little guy! As soon as the boy starts sleeping through the entire night, I'm gonna yank the bottle completely!!
That's the kids - in a nutshell!

I want my Mommy!! 10-19-06 (from MySpace)

So - this whole living 900'ish miles from my mother is just not working out for me at all. Yes, of course, I miss her. That is forever true, but having lived in a different state than her for the past years...I'm a big girl now, this is not my issue.

I miss my mommy today b/c I need a babysitter! LOL I don't get out much (he, and it usually shows). I hardly ever use a sitter - the kids just go shopping, kid doc and dentist visits, I lug them around. I'm cool with this! It's usually just a waste of my time to cart them to a sitter, go to an appt. or grocery shopping and them go get them.
HOWEVER, when I do need one, I have a hard time finding one. Not that people aren't willing, but there always seems to be some reason that they can't (...hmm..or maybe they aren't willing...; >)

So - tomorrow night, I actually get to go see a christian comedian with a good friend. I'm really looking forward to it...I need someone from 3:30 p.m. until Jeremy gets home. Any takers???I want my mommy!