here at blogger/blotspot (whatever it's called).
This is a brag on Lizzie!!!
Liz takes gymnastics in six week sessions on Tuesday afternoons. This is her second session and her last class will be next Tuesday. Liz has always done a really good job. She seemed to be able to do a little bit better physicall than the rest of the girls - but mostly she did MUCH BETTER on listening and not running all over the place. Now - these are girls that are ages 3-5. Not unusual for them to not just sit and be at rapt attention throughout the whole class. Usually they're not really that bad. They just like to run to their moms/dads/grandmas to give hugs and such...ALL THE TIME. Yesterday was no exception. I was actually getting a bit frustrated. I mean, we do pay for these classes and I want Liz to be able to learn something.
Anyway - so yesterday was a bit frustrating...but there's nothing I can do, so I was trying to not let it bother me too much. After class, the teacher told Lizzie to have me wait so she could talk to me. She told me that when/if I sign her up for another 6 week session to put her in the next class up. That's the Kindergarten/First Grade class. She told me that they look for how well the kids listen and such before offereing to class to the younger students Liz turns 4 in May.
I'm very proud of my little gymnast that the teachers are noticing that she listens and stays put during class. She's learning alot and doing a great job!
YAY Lizzie!
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