Friday, March 02, 2007

Just call me Sandra Bullock...


I wore my pajamas to take Hunter to school today - second day in a row for that!! Don't worry - I don't actually get out of my vehicle!!! Remember how she took Mae Whitman her lunch at school in...oh my - what was it called?? Something about Hope...yikes, I can't believe I don't remember!! Ah well - at least I didn't stand at the fence yelling his name!! And I could have b/c his hat fell off. But a young girl saved him that embarrassment! He lucked out...this time.

1 comment:

April said...

Hope Floats? Is that the movie you are thinking of?? I was good friends with the crossing guard at Forrest's old school and she gave me crud all the time for bring him to school in my jammies! As I would drive by she would say very loudly-there goes April in her PJ's-she is one of those "loud" people! I thought all mommies did that! LOL!