Thursday, November 13, 2008

And so it begins....

The "what was I thinking" phase of my life.

Jeremy and I recently decided to become Boy Scout den leaders. Yes, we're nuts.

Due to odd meeting times and conflict with gymnastics, I've decided to become a Daisy Scout leader. Yes, I'm completely insane.

We've been working with Hunter's den - volunteering at meetings and "getting our feet wet". So far, so ok. His Wolf den is huge - 16 or 17 boys. They really did need someone(s) to step up so that the group could be split. That's just tooooooo much energy for one group! We'll be working closely with the current den for a couple of months until we get the training we need and we're ready to be our own den! Yes, we're nuts.

Lizzie joined Daisy Scouts a couple of months ago and while she enjoys it, the timing is just off for us. For one, the meetings start at 3:00p.m. Ok, directly after school is usually good, but it's at a different elementary school. I'm not pulling out of the parking lot until 5 to 10 minutes after 3! So, we're always late. Also - Lizzie LOVES gymnastics - so we signed her up at the Y for her age group. She towered over everyone and was way more advanced, so the teacher bumped her up to the next group. YAY Lizzie, BUT - it was on the same day as Daisies! SO! I'm a glutton for punishment - I'm now going to lead a Daisy group on a different day.

Jeremy did just say that I'm now officially a soccer mom! But of course, no one here plays soccer.....yet.

1 comment:

LilRedJo said...

Only the beginning...only the beginning:) (But can be well worth the effort!)