Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Well - tomorrow is *the day*...where something will change with Lizzie's school situation. Not sure what it is, not even sure what I want it to be, but there will be change. I'd like to ask my 2 loyal readers to be in prayer for Lizzie. I'm guessing she'll change classes or we'll take her out and homeschool her.

I'm so torn about this meeting. I'm needing to get past my....concern for other's feelings and focus on my daughter's happiness. I worry too much about how I make others feel. Lizzie's happiness and peace of mind are what is important right now.

I know I'm being cryptic - so if you want all the details, just ask.


LilRedJo said...

Will pray for you and the situation. I am certain you will do the right thing.

Amy said...

Thanks Kim - I appreciate it.