Well, we're trying to enjoy our summer here in New Hampshire. Unfortunately, it doesn't really feel like summer here. It's been raining for the past couple of weeks -and hasn't made it out of the 60's. Oh well - I'm sure in August, I'll be praying for rain. Isn't that just like a human, never satisfied?
School is finally out!! Our last day was last Friday, June 19th. I thought it would never end - but now I'm wondering why I was in such a hurry? LOL I'm hearing alot of "I'm bored!" and "What can I do?". Also, plenty of arguing among the siblings!! I've been printing out worksheets left and right to keep them busy! We're heading to the Summer Reading Program tomorrow that the library is putting on. Hopefully, it won't rain!! And hopefully, it will help to keep us busy!
Lots going on in the next couple of months! Hunter has Cub Scout camp coming up - 7/6-10. I'll be doing the driving for the carpool - should be interesting! Lots of driving and have to come up with sitters for the two littles!
The week after that we get to enjoy the Slawson family for several days! YaY! I'm super excited to see them!
The very next week, we're headed to West Virginia for our Family Reunion. We've been looking forward to this all year!! I am so stoked to see all of my brothers and their families, my 2 little sisters and my littles brother - all at the same time. It's been TOOO long!!
We also have VBS at the beginning of August - and then we move at the end of August!
Moving? Again? Yes!
After deciding to home school, we decided that it would be beneficial to get closer to Jeremy's office, for when he's actually in town. A 20 minute commute is much better than a 50 minute commute! We went back and forth on this decision for a while, not sure if it was a good idea to take the kids away from friends...but really, we were already, since we were home schooling. Also - this move gets us out of our 3rd floor apartment! I'm SOOO ready for that!
Well - I guess that's our latest! I'm planning to slant this blog towards home schooling, so that's what most of my posts will be about from now on. Watch for my first blog - on workboxing. I'm totally sold on this and can't wait to get it started!!
Until next time!!
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