Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday and Wednesday!

Some pics and conversations from our first couple of days in school!

Tanner had the following answers on his Bible worksheet (he dictated, I wrote it down).

Q: Write one or two sentences that tell what God's special creation (man) can do that animals cannot do.

A: (in list form) read, buy food, drive cars, smell (well, some animals can't, he said!), talk, open doors, fireworks LOL

When asked what bone God made woman from, Tanner answered - in all seriousness - "The funny bone"...but after laughing and before correcting, he answered it correctly!

Here are a few pictures of our school day...sorry for a couple of doubles, posting pics isn't very user-friendly!

Edited to add: The craft that the kids made is the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria...

1 comment:

LilRedJo said...

Looks like fun!
Love the fireworks comment!