Monday, November 29, 2010

How Many Times Can One Change The Direction of Their Blog?

Ask me next year!

Well, many know that the kids are back in public school. It is working for now - tho', I admit that I'm already counting the days until they are home again. Already looking into 6th grade curriculum choices for Hunter...only a year and a half! Truly, tho', this is working for us for now. It may not be perfect, but we don't live in a perfect world...

I am planning to turn this blog BACK into a family/kids/school update blog! Hope to make it a journal, of sorts. Pics and stories - especially Tannerisms. (I really need to write a book about that kid!).

It may take me a few days (read: couple of weeks!), but hope to give the blog a whole new look!


1 comment:

LilRedJo said...

Glad to have you back!