Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lizzie has a Monopoly on being witty today....

Jeremy and the boys had an outing today - so that left Lizzie and me to have some girl time. We didn't do a whole lot, but we did play Monopoly...

She kicked my tookus.

Lizzie managed to get hotels on a strip of property...ones that I couldn't seem to NOT land on. New York Avenue, in particular. I think I probably landed on NYAvenue 6 times...thankfully, only once with a hotel!!

So - after landing and spending the night in her fancy-schmancy hotel on New York Avenue and forking over $1000.00 - I tease her: "if I land on NYA one.more.time. - I will quit the game."

Lizzie says:

"Well, yeah...because you won't have any money left!"


LilRedJo said...

She's got a point...;)

H, L and T's Grandma said...

Glad you had a good time with her... It's nice to be just Mom and daughter once in a while, isn't it?