Monday, December 13, 2010

Lizzie went to bed...

with a tea bag on her eye.

If it's not one thing with her, it's 47 others.

I diagnosed her with a sty (stye - whatev...). It's hurting her some, especially when she closes her eyes. We've done the warm compress and we're trying the tea bag thing. It's not huge, but definitely there and her eyelid is swollen some.


Maybe she needs a colon's supposed to cure what ails ya, right?


H, L and T's Grandma said...

HI..Sorry Lizzie is having problems with her eye. Hope it is much better in the morning! Hadn't heard of the 'tea-bag fix'....that is interesting. Will try it sometime, but hope it is not soon, LOL, don't really want anyone having eye problems! Has Lizzie had this before? Actually, a tea bag might be just the thing for tired eyes too. Sounds like it would feel pretty good about now! I need to get to bed! Give all the kids (((hugs))) for me. Love ya!

Amy said...

She had a teensy weensy little bitty bump on her right bottom eyelid the other day, but it was gone by morning - I even get those occasionally and they're always gone the next day. The one on her left eye upper lid was actually hurting quite a bit last night. It seems a little better (maybe?) this morning. She's going to school - her eye is NOT red. She's just been instructed to use hand sanitizer often. We'll see if i get a call to bring her home.

Love ya Mom!
