I am not sure that Mother Nature has made up her mind about the weather...
Maybe I should have titled this post: School's almost out!!!! YAY!!!
The kids have 6 more school days left - I think I'm as excited as they are!! I think....anyway! This is going to be a busy summer - and while I am looking forward to many things...I am most looking forward to it being over. Not sure why....maybe because of our trip next February! But SHHHH!!! That's a secret for now!
The kids have had a good school year, for the most part!
Tanner: This kid has improved by leaps and bounds! I am so pleased! He is reading now!! He isn't super fluent - but he can read! And I'm not worried! He's only just finishing K! We are actually going to do a Learning to Read curriculum over the summer - just to reinforce and build on what he has already learned! I'm excited to get started! He's had a fun year - I think going to K has been a good experience for him! But I am glad he actually WANTS to homeschool!
Lizzie: Lizzie has had a FANTASTIC year of school! She really enjoys it! She's made some friends (tho', the "girl" thing has definitely started in 2nd grade - they are BFFs one day and hate each other the next and then back to BFFs!!!) She's done excellent in her work - and even qualified to test for the gifted program. If she was going to return next year, she'd do more testing to see! Quite honestly, tho', I believe she'll excel further at home than school. I'm excited to get her started on CLE and let her run! I think she's going to do excellent!
****Tomorrow is her birthday!!! So, she's ready to PARTAY!*****
Hunter: Hunter has had a good year - and he's enjoyed school. He's done very well with his grades! We are very proud! I do have regrets about putting Hunter back in, tho'. He's been exposed to WAY more than necessary - and learned ALOT more than necessary. Some say, "You can't shelter them forever" - and that is very true. Some of this exposure has led to good conversations and I'm thankful for that! And while it's true, we can't live in a bubble (as much as I'd like to!), I am thankful that next year at home they will be protected from those kinds of things! There's NO NEED for a fourth grader to learn about *bases* - if you get my drift!
Summer plans: Church Camp, Tennessee, maybe fit in a trip to Branson? It's going to be a busy, but fun one!
And our surprise trip end of February?? We're taking the kids to DISNEY!! We'll probably end up telling them before long, but it's still a secret as of now. I'm hoping we don't have to tell them until on the way to the airport!!!, but we'll see!! ;) so - SHHHHH!!!!! if you see my kiddos between now and Feb - MUM'S the word!!!!
Homeschool is a GO for next year! I'm excited to get back to it! I've missed having them home with me this year! I'm also very excited about the curriculum we'll be using! Christian Light Education looks like a wonderful - challenging - curriculum! I know that the kids will do well and learn alot! We'll also supplement some with more history - (looking at History Revealed by Diane Waring) and science - (continue with Apologia! - the kids really liked this science program.) We'll probably only read these two extras - but that's what the kids loved the most about them - just listening.
Well - that about sums it up for now. And, if you are on FB, here's your announcement that I won't be back (again!) Got a killer virus from FB (we think FB!) and it's just not working out for me to be active there! So - you can get family updates here!!
Happy Summer!!
Good to have you back! :D
Thanks Kim - I need to be better about updating this blog! FB always distracted me, seemed moot. So - off FB and back to blogging! Wish I could make money doing it! LOL
Hi Amy, I miss you on fb, but I totally understand. I have missed hearing about you and you family. I will check here often to see what is going on. Hope everything is great for you. Love you.
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