Thursday, August 25, 2011

To Scout!

We are all signed up!! Tuesdays will be very busy this year!

Lizzie will be a Brownie at the Middle School on Tuesday afternoons! I think she will have lots of fun! Her leader seems very nice! I'm excited for her!

The boys will also have meetings on Tuesdays! Thankfully, it's the evening and our times don't criss-cross! Tanner will be a Tiger and Hunter a Webelos! Should be interesting - I have to be at Tanner's meetings....not sure what to do with Lizzie yet. She may have to just go with us...we shall see!

I really think that we're going to have a great year!!!


LilRedJo said...

How exciting!

Mrs. S. said...

The girls wanted to do the Girl Scout thing until J told them they'd have to sell cookies. LOL