So I have this weird thing that I do - it's been going on for about 15 years or so. Every now and again, I break out in hives and swell up. Sounds fun, huh??? STRESS is the reason why and there have been various things that have triggered that stress. I can pinpoint reasons for each time...except this one! In the past, it's been stress from a tramatic event (BF's miscarriage) or stress from taking lots of medication (it's like it's leaving my body through the hives) or something similar. This time I'm not sure - I can't think of one specific thing that's, I'm just chalking it up to all the traveling that Jeremy's doing and me being on my own with the kids so much. HHmmm...maybe.
So anyway - I break out into hives on my hands - front and back, wrists, elbows, knees, ankles and feet. So weird. My feet and hands and knees are what swells - and when it's really bad, I absolutely cannot walk and can't pick things up (LIKE A BABY!!! AGH!). So far, I've not swelled that bad yet, but that usually peaks the second day - which is tomorrow! I am itching like a madwoman, however!! It's driving me nuts. I did take some benedryl this afternoon and it helped the itching for a while, but MAN! I couldn't keep my eyes open! I wanted to sleep so badly!!! I usually try to just deal with the itching 'cause benedryl kicks my butt, but I had to have some relief!
So, here I sit, the itching is getting times!! Just thougth I'd share my woes with you all!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
How Come?

My two year, 4 month old daughter just asked her brother...."how come, Hunter?", when he told her she couldn't do something...
HOW COME??? How does she know how to use these two words??? May seem like not a big deal to some, but she's only two!!!!!!!!!! AGH!
She also contantly asks the "WHY?" question...
on the way to pick up Hunter, I put something in the mailbox and we proceded to have the "why/what" 20-questions game... Why did I hurt my finger, What did you put in there?, Why did you put that in there?, What mailbox?, Why do we have a mailbox?, What is mail?, Why do we get mail? WOW - where does she come up with these?? Hunter didn't ask Why? until he was at least 3.5! I love it, but it exhausts me!
The picture at the top of this post will show you why she gets away it - she's too darn cute!
Monday, September 26, 2005
It's Monday again....
Well, the week is starting over again and I can't decide how I feel about it. I love that the world keeps turning and life keeps moving. I hate how fast time goes these's almost October 2005 - how did this happen? I love all the changing that I see in the kids....and I hate all the changes that I see in the kids. They are growing so quickly and I know that in 20 years I'll be remembering these days and longing for them again. Oh - how to feel!!!! Hmmm...
So far today, we've taken Hunter to preschool, paid for the storage unit that we rent and brought more clothes out of that storage unit for Tanner (shh! don't tell Jeremy). I can't believe that Hunter had so many clothes! WOW - there's tons of stuff to go through. Some of it won't work b/c it's the wrong season, but alot of it will! Now the problem is finding a place to put it!
Jeremy may be going to Pittsburg, PA tonight, just for the night - but I've not heard yet for sure.
We had a great weekend - big church meeting in Owosso - "Super Sabbath" - all Michigan Church of God (Seventh Day)'s get together once a year. It's was a good day. One of the best parts of the day was that I was able to get a break from the kids. Jeremy pretty much took care of Tanner all day - and for the afternoon part, it was just Hunter and me - as the other three stayed home and napped! NICE!!!
Well, enough of my NONSENSE.
So far today, we've taken Hunter to preschool, paid for the storage unit that we rent and brought more clothes out of that storage unit for Tanner (shh! don't tell Jeremy). I can't believe that Hunter had so many clothes! WOW - there's tons of stuff to go through. Some of it won't work b/c it's the wrong season, but alot of it will! Now the problem is finding a place to put it!
Jeremy may be going to Pittsburg, PA tonight, just for the night - but I've not heard yet for sure.
We had a great weekend - big church meeting in Owosso - "Super Sabbath" - all Michigan Church of God (Seventh Day)'s get together once a year. It's was a good day. One of the best parts of the day was that I was able to get a break from the kids. Jeremy pretty much took care of Tanner all day - and for the afternoon part, it was just Hunter and me - as the other three stayed home and napped! NICE!!!
Well, enough of my NONSENSE.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Happy me.
So today is my and Jeremy's nine year anniversary! Nine Sometimes it doesn't seem possible that it's been that long and other times, I feel like we've been together our entire lives.
I'm so thankful for my husband. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that GOD put us together. I am trying so hard to be the wife he deserves and I hope that he feels that!
Nine years....and the next chapter in our lives is beginning. Since we've decided to not have anymore children, I'm actually getting excited about what's next. I'm also starting to feel older LOL. For the longest time, I still felt like I was that "B" group girl in high school. Not saying that was a bad thing. I was happy being in the "b" group. What I mean is that I felt like I hadn't really changed much. Here lately, as I'm looking at my family and thinking about my life, I'm realizing I'm a FAR CRY from that girl. I'm finally seeing that I'm much stronger than I thought I was. And I'm so glad that I'm realizing this...why? I dunno!
Ok, where was I and how did I get on that subject?
Back to my hubby - we're happier now than we were 9 years ago! What more can we ask for?
Ok, got sidetracked with small wonder #3 - and now completely lost my train of thought...
So....Happy Anniversary Honey! I miss you! Come home from work!
I'm so thankful for my husband. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that GOD put us together. I am trying so hard to be the wife he deserves and I hope that he feels that!
Nine years....and the next chapter in our lives is beginning. Since we've decided to not have anymore children, I'm actually getting excited about what's next. I'm also starting to feel older LOL. For the longest time, I still felt like I was that "B" group girl in high school. Not saying that was a bad thing. I was happy being in the "b" group. What I mean is that I felt like I hadn't really changed much. Here lately, as I'm looking at my family and thinking about my life, I'm realizing I'm a FAR CRY from that girl. I'm finally seeing that I'm much stronger than I thought I was. And I'm so glad that I'm realizing this...why? I dunno!
Ok, where was I and how did I get on that subject?
Back to my hubby - we're happier now than we were 9 years ago! What more can we ask for?
Ok, got sidetracked with small wonder #3 - and now completely lost my train of thought...
So....Happy Anniversary Honey! I miss you! Come home from work!
Its Neverending......
Why can't life just get back to normal?
Lizzie got sick
Hunter started school (yay Hunt Man)
Tanner got sick
Now I'm sick..................................................................ggrrrrrrr...
Tanner's still not 100% - wants to be held....all the stinkin' time.
And Jeremy?? Who??? He's working lots...
OK, my fingers are too heavy to type anymore....feeling ooookey!
Lizzie got sick
Hunter started school (yay Hunt Man)
Tanner got sick
Now I'm sick..................................................................ggrrrrrrr...
Tanner's still not 100% - wants to be held....all the stinkin' time.
And Jeremy?? Who??? He's working lots...
OK, my fingers are too heavy to type anymore....feeling ooookey!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Interesting family...trivia?
Maybe not trivia, not sure what to call it, but here ya go:
Jeremy asked me quite some time ago if I realized how all the 'numbers' in the family linked up. This is what he meant:
Hunter & Liz are 22 months apart.
Liz & Tanner are 22 months apart.
Jeremy and I are 22 months apart. (insert Twilight Zone theme - LOL!)
Our birth months are:
March - Tanner
April - Me
May - Lizzie
June - Jeremy
July - Hunter
Hunter's month and year 7/01 = 8
Lizzie's month and year 5/03 = 8
Tanner's month and year 3/05 = 8
Anyway - kinda cool, kind corny!
Can you tell it's wwwaaaayyy past my bedtime and I'm avoiding it??
Jeremy asked me quite some time ago if I realized how all the 'numbers' in the family linked up. This is what he meant:
Hunter & Liz are 22 months apart.
Liz & Tanner are 22 months apart.
Jeremy and I are 22 months apart. (insert Twilight Zone theme - LOL!)
Our birth months are:
March - Tanner
April - Me
May - Lizzie
June - Jeremy
July - Hunter
Hunter's month and year 7/01 = 8
Lizzie's month and year 5/03 = 8
Tanner's month and year 3/05 = 8
Anyway - kinda cool, kind corny!
Can you tell it's wwwaaaayyy past my bedtime and I'm avoiding it??
Friday, September 16, 2005
My baby is Six Months old!

WOW, where did the time go? I can't believe he's six months already!!
And he's doing great! We've not been to doc lately, so not sure of weight or height. I'll try to weigh him later and update this post. We go on Oct. 2 for his official check up. Yuck, more shots.
We've started solids. He likes carrots, squash and mixed veggies. He loves sweet potatoes. He's not big on the fruits yet. So far he's only had pears (NOT his fave at all) and applesauce. He's ok with peas and spinach/carrots, but hates green beans.
He's trying so hard to crawl - he gets on all fours and rocks abit, before giving up and "scooching" everywhere. He's sitting alone fairly well. He'll last for a few minutes before toppling over. He's also trying to go from tummy to sitting up...hasn't quite figured it out yet. He LOVES his Johnny Jump Up. He just bounces everywhere.
Those are the high points!! Not really any low points, except that he can't keep his clothes dry for all the drooling! And, as you can see in the picture I'm attaching, he's often just in a diaper to avoid the mess!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Will Life Get Back To Normal Soon?
Wow - this summer has just been utterly insane!
With vacation and Japan trips, potty training and finally the "procedure", I NEED A VACATION! Calgon, take me...anywhere! LOL
Now that SVA (Spring Vale Academy) is in session, life gets a little bit busier. Jeremy coaches the girl's basketball team. He (and sometimes the older two) is either at practice every night or at a game. The kids and I go to pretty much all the games - to support our girls and to be near Daddy. Makes for a busy week!
School starting also means that we get our mentees back or get new mentees if ours graduated last year. So far, I've not been assigned one - but Jeremy still has his from last year. This just means that we try to get together with "our teen" as much as we can.
Hunter begins preschool on Monday (9/19). We're very excited for him. I am also looking forward to having to have some sort of "schedule". I like the ideas of schedules, I'm just horrible at keeping them! Hopefully, I'll manages to keep some sort of routine with him in school. I think that Lizzie is going to be so lost, but hopefully she'll adjust soon.
We managed to make it through most of the summer without any sickness...until now. Lizzie has a cold right now. She's sneezing, snotting and all around grumpy right now. I'm thinking that it's the change in weather. We went from 90's on Wednesday to rainy and 60-70's on Thursday. I'm actually kind of ready for the weather to change a bit. Not sure why...fall leads to winter and the winters seem to last forever here - but I'm ready for a change!
Well, I'm entering another weekend of...what seems to be the norm. Jeremy's gone yet again this weekend. This time it's a fishing trip. I'm not happy he's gone, but I'm glad it's this weekend and not next since we've got a big church meeting to go to. So, we're just hangin' out tonight, going to church in the morning (provided Liz is feeling better and no one else is under the weather) and then hangin' out again for the rest of the day and Sunday. Wow, again, I have NO social life!!!! How did this happen??? LOL
NO worries...I WILL get my turn!!
Ok, signing off...hopefully I'll get to Liz and Tanner's birth stories this weekend on their blogs!
We shall see!
With vacation and Japan trips, potty training and finally the "procedure", I NEED A VACATION! Calgon, take me...anywhere! LOL
Now that SVA (Spring Vale Academy) is in session, life gets a little bit busier. Jeremy coaches the girl's basketball team. He (and sometimes the older two) is either at practice every night or at a game. The kids and I go to pretty much all the games - to support our girls and to be near Daddy. Makes for a busy week!
School starting also means that we get our mentees back or get new mentees if ours graduated last year. So far, I've not been assigned one - but Jeremy still has his from last year. This just means that we try to get together with "our teen" as much as we can.
Hunter begins preschool on Monday (9/19). We're very excited for him. I am also looking forward to having to have some sort of "schedule". I like the ideas of schedules, I'm just horrible at keeping them! Hopefully, I'll manages to keep some sort of routine with him in school. I think that Lizzie is going to be so lost, but hopefully she'll adjust soon.
We managed to make it through most of the summer without any sickness...until now. Lizzie has a cold right now. She's sneezing, snotting and all around grumpy right now. I'm thinking that it's the change in weather. We went from 90's on Wednesday to rainy and 60-70's on Thursday. I'm actually kind of ready for the weather to change a bit. Not sure why...fall leads to winter and the winters seem to last forever here - but I'm ready for a change!
Well, I'm entering another weekend of...what seems to be the norm. Jeremy's gone yet again this weekend. This time it's a fishing trip. I'm not happy he's gone, but I'm glad it's this weekend and not next since we've got a big church meeting to go to. So, we're just hangin' out tonight, going to church in the morning (provided Liz is feeling better and no one else is under the weather) and then hangin' out again for the rest of the day and Sunday. Wow, again, I have NO social life!!!! How did this happen??? LOL
NO worries...I WILL get my turn!!
Ok, signing off...hopefully I'll get to Liz and Tanner's birth stories this weekend on their blogs!
We shall see!
Monday, September 12, 2005
OH, I should be sleeping!!!
But instead, the past two nights, I've been creating the kids their own 'blog' of sorts. Just all about them...I'm still far I've only put how they came to be.....still needing to get their birth stories posted, but sleep is calling my name. Anyway - check them out if you're interested...they've got links now...
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Again, just no motivation!
Now that I know my hubby reads these (hi, honey!!!) I have to be careful about what I, I'll say this: The house is spotless and all the kids are sleeping and this is why I'm taking time to write in my blog. Yeah, right - and Jeremy HATES HATES HATES hunting and fishing. Ok, so now that we all know I'm lying, just asking for any ***get off your butt and do something*** vibes!
Off to clean something!!!!
Off to clean something!!!!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
My baby's going to preschool...
in 12 days. *whimpering*
WOW - is it possible that I have a child old enough to be in school? I'm so excited for him, yet sad for me. Sad for me b/c my baby is growing up....and sad b/c this only goes to prove that I'm getting OLDER!
He's so excited! I hope that he does as well as we think he will! Three hours away from home every day (well, Mon-Thurs) is a lot for a 4 year old (I think)! This will also be hard on Lizzie. She's going to be so lost!
************Having major dejavu************** Have I posted this before??? OH well if I have...guess you're getting it again!
I'm sure to post how his first day goes - with pics!
*still whimpering*
WOW - is it possible that I have a child old enough to be in school? I'm so excited for him, yet sad for me. Sad for me b/c my baby is growing up....and sad b/c this only goes to prove that I'm getting OLDER!
He's so excited! I hope that he does as well as we think he will! Three hours away from home every day (well, Mon-Thurs) is a lot for a 4 year old (I think)! This will also be hard on Lizzie. She's going to be so lost!
************Having major dejavu************** Have I posted this before??? OH well if I have...guess you're getting it again!
I'm sure to post how his first day goes - with pics!
*still whimpering*
I Got Such A...
boring life! I don't have anything to write about...
This week has had it's good and bad points. It's awesome that Jeremy is home! We missed him alot! It has been an adjustment, only b/c we got used to doing things "our way" - and having to make it work for ALL of us now, has been a little difficult. Certainly not a bad thing, but an adjustment!
It's definitely been busy! Jeremy was off Monday for Labor Day - and that was really nice getting to spend that time together! The kids were happy that he was home for the whole day! Tuesday (was that only yesterday???) we went to SVA girls bb game. Jeremy is the coach, but was unable to be there since he was working 1 & 1/2 hours away. I love to go to the games - in a way it's hard with all three kids - and in a way it's easy - as there's usually someone there to take one or two of them for me! Today I'm going to drop some things off at a church that's collecting for Hurricane Katrina Relief. Just waiting for my cuz to come over and go with.
The rest of this week is going to be busy, yet uneventful - does that make sense? Friday is Jeremy's umm...appt. (No more kids for us!) Then of course, the weekend will just be recovery - which means the kids and I may have to make ourselves scarce - if they can't seem to keep from crawling all over Dad! Also on Friday morning, we have our orientation appt. for Hunter's preschool! I'll save that for another post.
Ok, done now! So, maybe I did have **something** to write about.
This week has had it's good and bad points. It's awesome that Jeremy is home! We missed him alot! It has been an adjustment, only b/c we got used to doing things "our way" - and having to make it work for ALL of us now, has been a little difficult. Certainly not a bad thing, but an adjustment!
It's definitely been busy! Jeremy was off Monday for Labor Day - and that was really nice getting to spend that time together! The kids were happy that he was home for the whole day! Tuesday (was that only yesterday???) we went to SVA girls bb game. Jeremy is the coach, but was unable to be there since he was working 1 & 1/2 hours away. I love to go to the games - in a way it's hard with all three kids - and in a way it's easy - as there's usually someone there to take one or two of them for me! Today I'm going to drop some things off at a church that's collecting for Hurricane Katrina Relief. Just waiting for my cuz to come over and go with.
The rest of this week is going to be busy, yet uneventful - does that make sense? Friday is Jeremy's umm...appt. (No more kids for us!) Then of course, the weekend will just be recovery - which means the kids and I may have to make ourselves scarce - if they can't seem to keep from crawling all over Dad! Also on Friday morning, we have our orientation appt. for Hunter's preschool! I'll save that for another post.
Ok, done now! So, maybe I did have **something** to write about.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
He's Home!!!
Jeremy's home!!
He's sleeping right now.......
But hey, he's home!!! Hopefully he'll get off Japan time soon!!!
We went last night to pick him up - he was supposed to get in at 8:00'ish, so we were on our way to get him when he called to say he was delayed in Chicago....bummer. So, we swung by the mall to hang while we waited. I was surprised how well it went with three kids! Tanner was in the umbrella stroller and Hunt & Liz on either side holding to the stroller. They all did really well. We only went in to two stores: Radio Shack (Hunter saw the R/C cars and wanted to check them out) and Claire's (oh, to be 15 again). The highlight of their mall experience was getting to see and use the "little toilet" in the family restroom - they both decided they needed to go twice. (in the same restroom visit) :)
By the time we got home, the kids were out cold and so we all went to bed (I'm hearing snickers from my Yahoo ladies SHH!!). Again, Japan time took it's toll and Jeremy was wide awake - b/c in his world, it was 2p.m. After finally getting to sleep around 2'ish, Tanner was up at 4 and 7 to eat. Love all that sleep I get!
The kids are just beside themselves that Daddy is home! I'm excited for them...and myself, as tomorrow I'll be ducking out of here for a while! Don't know what I'll be doing, but it will be nice to get away for a while.
Ok, done with my book! Gotta go wake Jeremy!
He's sleeping right now.......
But hey, he's home!!! Hopefully he'll get off Japan time soon!!!
We went last night to pick him up - he was supposed to get in at 8:00'ish, so we were on our way to get him when he called to say he was delayed in Chicago....bummer. So, we swung by the mall to hang while we waited. I was surprised how well it went with three kids! Tanner was in the umbrella stroller and Hunt & Liz on either side holding to the stroller. They all did really well. We only went in to two stores: Radio Shack (Hunter saw the R/C cars and wanted to check them out) and Claire's (oh, to be 15 again). The highlight of their mall experience was getting to see and use the "little toilet" in the family restroom - they both decided they needed to go twice. (in the same restroom visit) :)
By the time we got home, the kids were out cold and so we all went to bed (I'm hearing snickers from my Yahoo ladies SHH!!). Again, Japan time took it's toll and Jeremy was wide awake - b/c in his world, it was 2p.m. After finally getting to sleep around 2'ish, Tanner was up at 4 and 7 to eat. Love all that sleep I get!
The kids are just beside themselves that Daddy is home! I'm excited for them...and myself, as tomorrow I'll be ducking out of here for a while! Don't know what I'll be doing, but it will be nice to get away for a while.
Ok, done with my book! Gotta go wake Jeremy!
Friday, September 02, 2005
In light of all happening in the world...
I feel somewhat bad for blogging about this, but I'm so happy, I'm giddy! J is coming home tomorrow!!! I just can't wait to see him! I honestly didn't think that I would miss him this much (sorry honey LOL). I guess I was just focused on how hard I thought it would be on the kids that I didn't think about how much I WOULD MISS HIM. I'm not talking about missing his help. I just missed seeing him, talking to him, just being with him. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder (sorry for the cliche').
OK, Little Miss just woke up, so wrapping this up sooner than planned....
I missed you Jeremy and cannot wait to see you!!!
OK, Little Miss just woke up, so wrapping this up sooner than planned....
I missed you Jeremy and cannot wait to see you!!!
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