My two year, 4 month old daughter just asked her brother...."how come, Hunter?", when he told her she couldn't do something...
HOW COME??? How does she know how to use these two words??? May seem like not a big deal to some, but she's only two!!!!!!!!!! AGH!
She also contantly asks the "WHY?" question...
on the way to pick up Hunter, I put something in the mailbox and we proceded to have the "why/what" 20-questions game... Why did I hurt my finger, What did you put in there?, Why did you put that in there?, What mailbox?, Why do we have a mailbox?, What is mail?, Why do we get mail? WOW - where does she come up with these?? Hunter didn't ask Why? until he was at least 3.5! I love it, but it exhausts me!
The picture at the top of this post will show you why she gets away it - she's too darn cute!
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