So I have this weird thing that I do - it's been going on for about 15 years or so. Every now and again, I break out in hives and swell up. Sounds fun, huh??? STRESS is the reason why and there have been various things that have triggered that stress. I can pinpoint reasons for each time...except this one! In the past, it's been stress from a tramatic event (BF's miscarriage) or stress from taking lots of medication (it's like it's leaving my body through the hives) or something similar. This time I'm not sure - I can't think of one specific thing that's, I'm just chalking it up to all the traveling that Jeremy's doing and me being on my own with the kids so much. HHmmm...maybe.
So anyway - I break out into hives on my hands - front and back, wrists, elbows, knees, ankles and feet. So weird. My feet and hands and knees are what swells - and when it's really bad, I absolutely cannot walk and can't pick things up (LIKE A BABY!!! AGH!). So far, I've not swelled that bad yet, but that usually peaks the second day - which is tomorrow! I am itching like a madwoman, however!! It's driving me nuts. I did take some benedryl this afternoon and it helped the itching for a while, but MAN! I couldn't keep my eyes open! I wanted to sleep so badly!!! I usually try to just deal with the itching 'cause benedryl kicks my butt, but I had to have some relief!
So, here I sit, the itching is getting times!! Just thougth I'd share my woes with you all!
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