Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I think I make some New Years Resolutions every year - that I don't follow. One year it was getting birthday cards to family members - ON time. I think that lasted until like May. Ummm...I'm sure that I've made countless others over the years that I've never kept, some not even until Jan. 2.

I had thought I would swear off drinking pop. I do want to stop drinking it. But I think I'll doom myself if I make it a resolution. That was all I had come up with until last night. Now I have an entire list of things. But I'm hoping that these *resolutions* become life-style changes.

OK - here goes:

This first one is something I've always said I would do, but never have. I think I started it once MANY years ago, but didn't finish it. 1. Read through the Bible in a year. I've been terrible about reading my Bible - at all. I'm hoping that getting on this schedule will help make it a habit in the future. On the same line, 2. Read: Passionate Housewives, Desperate for God, Love & Respect w/ companion books, and the Purpose Driven Life. I plan to blog about each of these books as well - as I'm reading them. One BIG one is 3. KEEP MY HOUSE CLEAN!!! I could write another entire lengthy post on this, but I won't.
On a physical note, I want to 4. Lose 50 pounds! And to help me do that: 5. Drink 64 ounces of water EVERY DAY! To keep up the weight loss and water intake, I plan to 6. Go to the gym at least 3x per week!

I'm counting on you - my 4 faithful readers (yes, I do believe the numbers have gone up! LOL) - to keep me accountable!! And to pray for me as well! The first 3 are the most important to me. I really want to improve my life - which involves all 6, but if I can get those first 3 going, I think it will help me with the last three!

Happy New Year!!


LilRedJo said...

Mercy!! That's A LOT of water to drink. I know, I know, you are supposed to;)..I hope you are successful with all of your resolutions!!! :)

Amy said...

I actually used to do this - a few years ago and it helped me lose 20 pounds! I'm hoping that it will help again. And honestly, after a while, I crave the water and don't even notice how much I'm drinking.
It should be an adjustment tho' - cause I've really not been drinking ANY water lately! EEK!

Amy said...

I think I've given up all together on making resolutions. The list would be too long and overwhelming! I'll pray for your success.