Thursday, July 12, 2007


A few mini-updates on answered prayers!

I'm still a bit confused about my Dad's issues...but he had a heart cath done and he has NO blocked arteries!! Praise the Lord!!!! We're so very happy to hear this. They meet today? I believe, to talk about his treatment for the irregular and excellerated heartrate. Could just be meds - or could be another procedure similar to the heart cath.

Baby LILY! She's home!! We had thought August - but we found out over the weekend that she would be coming home this week. She got to go home Tuesday!!! WHOOHOOO.. she's certainly a testament to God still being in the business of miracles!! She's AMAZING! I can't wait to meet her!

Our move is still on. We're working on getting the house ready for sale. ICK. I don't enjoy this part. We are painting like madpeople. And when I say we, I mean Jeremy. LOL I don't get to help much, as it's easier for me to keep the kids out of the way. It's coming along... I don't know if I mentioned this in an earlier post, but we've secured an apartment. We're excited that that's done!

Kids are doing fine. Hunter just celebrated his 6th birthday. My how the time does fly!!

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