Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I think I make some New Years Resolutions every year - that I don't follow. One year it was getting birthday cards to family members - ON time. I think that lasted until like May. Ummm...I'm sure that I've made countless others over the years that I've never kept, some not even until Jan. 2.

I had thought I would swear off drinking pop. I do want to stop drinking it. But I think I'll doom myself if I make it a resolution. That was all I had come up with until last night. Now I have an entire list of things. But I'm hoping that these *resolutions* become life-style changes.

OK - here goes:

This first one is something I've always said I would do, but never have. I think I started it once MANY years ago, but didn't finish it. 1. Read through the Bible in a year. I've been terrible about reading my Bible - at all. I'm hoping that getting on this schedule will help make it a habit in the future. On the same line, 2. Read: Passionate Housewives, Desperate for God, Love & Respect w/ companion books, and the Purpose Driven Life. I plan to blog about each of these books as well - as I'm reading them. One BIG one is 3. KEEP MY HOUSE CLEAN!!! I could write another entire lengthy post on this, but I won't.
On a physical note, I want to 4. Lose 50 pounds! And to help me do that: 5. Drink 64 ounces of water EVERY DAY! To keep up the weight loss and water intake, I plan to 6. Go to the gym at least 3x per week!

I'm counting on you - my 4 faithful readers (yes, I do believe the numbers have gone up! LOL) - to keep me accountable!! And to pray for me as well! The first 3 are the most important to me. I really want to improve my life - which involves all 6, but if I can get those first 3 going, I think it will help me with the last three!

Happy New Year!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Vinegar and Water...

it will cure what ails ya! It will also cure what ails a 5 year old little girl! And not in a fun way.

All together now: awww....poor Lizzie!!!

Carry on.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

New Pictures and Video

If you check out dropshots you'll see pictures of our LOVELY snow had a blast playing in it (ok, we did too!). Also, check out the videos of Wii playing!!

You'll find them in the Albums labled Winter Storm 08 and Fun with the Wii.


Friday, December 19, 2008

Somewhere in the Middle

It's not often that I get to choose the music thats played in the van...the kids are usually always in control! LOL I'm lucky that they like all the same music as me (could be b/c that's all they've ever heard!) We definitely have the "kiddie" music - but it's all christian, so it still works out for me! Their favorites are mine - Casting Crowns, Gaither Vocal Band, Third Day, Natalie Grant, etc.

What I find, however, is that I don't often get to LISTEN to these songs. They're often interrupted by all the typical vehicle chatter: turn around, put your feet down, stop being mean to him, "don't make me come back there" (ok, I really don't use that one, but it seemed appropriate to add that here!). Anyway...

I was actually alone in the van waiting for Hunter and Lizzie to get out of school, so I was actually able to LISTEN to these lyrics. I've heard this song before..LOTS, but never took the time to LISTEN to the entire song. WOW!! Casting Crowns songs have always had wonderful messages...and this one is no exception. I found myself in this song way more than I'd like to admit. So as you read these lyrics - pray for me. I don't want to be Somewhere in the Middle - and I am.

Somewhere between the hot and the cold
Somewhere between the new and the old
Somewhere between who I am and who I used to be
Somewhere in the middle, You'll find me

Somewhere between the wrong and the right
Somewhere between the darkness and the light
Somewhere between who I was and who You're making me
Somewhere in the middle, You'll find me

Just how close can I get, Lord, to my surrender without losing all control

Fearless warriors in a picket fence, reckless abandon wrapped in common sense
Deep water faith in the shallow end and we are caught in the middle
With eyes wide open to the differences, the God we want and the God who is
But will we trade our dreams for His or are we caught in the middle
Are we caught in the middle

Somewhere between my heart and my hands
Somewhere between my faith and my plans ***
Somewhere between the safety of the boat and the crashing waves

Somewhere between a whisper and a roar
Somewhere between the altar and the door
Somewhere between contented peace and always wanting more
Somewhere in the middle You'll find me

Just how close can I get, Lord, to my surrender without losing all control

Fearless warriors in a picket fence, reckless abandon wrapped in common sense
Deep water faith in the shallow end and we are caught in the middle
With eyes wide open to the differences, the God we want and the God who is
But will we trade our dreams for His or are we caught in the middle
Are we caught in the middle

Lord, I feel You in this place and I know You're by my side
oving me even on these nights when I'm caught in the middle,
caught in the middle

***this line really speaks to me. Do we really make our plans according to our faith? Yes, I do. And that just tells me that I don't have enough faith!

Monday, December 15, 2008

If you happen to hear

a loud bang (yes, even as far away as Kentucky and Oklahoma!), that's just my head exploding.

That is all.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

WHY????? UGH!

So Hunter and I were working on his reading homework and his reading mentioned a will. He asked what it was, I explained that at some point he, Lizzie and Tanner would get all of mine and Jeremy's things...which is really laughable at this point in time, because....yeah - we got nuthin'.
He said he wanted my earrings so he could sell the stones. LOL - I told him the most valuable piece of jewelry I owned was my wedding ring.

He said, "oh, those are real diamonds?'"
I said, "yep, these two small ones, the big one and the other two...wait, one's missing!!!!!!!!!!!"

So, I'm missing one of my small stones from my wrap. Sooooo irritating.


Now - don't ya'll love how I turn one small fact into a pointless story! LOL

**end whine**

The meeting

did not go as I had hoped....but I think that I had hoped too high.

I don't feel like anything was accomplished at the meeting. The counselors were very understanding and sympathetic. They knew exactly what I was talking about concerning the teacher and even agreed with me. However, the best way to handle it certainly isn't black and white. I guess I was **unrealistically** hoping for a quick - "we'll put her in a new class" and all our problems will be over. I knew better than that, but I was hoping for it! LOL

There are so many "fine lines" in this situation.
- we could make things worse by changing classes and taking her away from the friends that she's bonded with
- we could be teaching her that if something is hard, we'll take care of it for her (not as concerned about this b/c she's 5 - but it is a slight concern) - we don't want her to think that just because she doesn't like her teacher she gets a new one.

I still do not know what to do.

So our next step is to meet with the teacher...I'm hoping for at least definitive direction before break (which is in a week and a half).

Keep praying please.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Well - tomorrow is *the day*...where something will change with Lizzie's school situation. Not sure what it is, not even sure what I want it to be, but there will be change. I'd like to ask my 2 loyal readers to be in prayer for Lizzie. I'm guessing she'll change classes or we'll take her out and homeschool her.

I'm so torn about this meeting. I'm needing to get past my....concern for other's feelings and focus on my daughter's happiness. I worry too much about how I make others feel. Lizzie's happiness and peace of mind are what is important right now.

I know I'm being cryptic - so if you want all the details, just ask.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Banner Toe

This is one of our many nicknames for Tanner. Let's see, we've got Tanner Banner. Tan Tan the Man Man (this is an old one!), a simpler Tan Tan (we still use this one alot!), Tanner Bananner (does bananna have two n's? wow that's so sad that I have to ask that!), I'm sure there's more, but we'll leave it at that for now.

I've decided to give you Tanner's update, as things are developing on the Lizzie front. We've got some school issues to work out and then I'll be able to give a better synopsis of her life! Most importantly: she's healthy and (when she's home) happy. We leave the rest for another day.

Tanner is by far our goofiest kid. We are always in stitches when he get going - and the best part, he doesn't even realize it! He's not even trying!

Tanner stays home with me everyday. Lots of kids his age are in pre-school, but I'm not sure why! He's only 3 - one more year with Mama is a good thing! He'll hit the pre-school life when he's 4! We do still attend the playgroup that he went to last school year. We don't hit it every Friday, but we try to make it at least twice per month. He also gets alot of social time in the gym child care room. He loves it there - and he's there at least twice a week; most often 4 times per week. We are also joining a co-op starting in January (it's a homeschool co-op, but we're making it work for us!). A friend that I met online in a homeschool group has been heading this co-op for a few months now and it's finally going to work out that we can join in! It will be 2 Tuesdays a month with another Tuesday for a playgroup - or outing. He'll get to participate in 2 classes, have story time and a snack. I'll have to commit to teaching a class as part of the deal. Other than class supplies and snacks for when it's my turn, there will be no cost, so this is definitely a bonus!

Because he's at home with me all the time, the poor kid gets dragged around with me on all the errands. He's been quite the trooper about it and we get them done pretty quickly. His favorite "errand" is when I have to go to the chiropractor and he gets to talk the doctor's ear off. Seriously - he talks the ENTIRE time. And my chiropractor is WONDERFUL with my kids. Just smiles, listens and asks all the right questions!

Quick fun fact: Tanner can wink - and he can do both eyes! Just like me. I love that we share this. Doesn't seem like a big deal - but the other two munchkins haven't figured out how to wink one eye, let alone two. And Jeremy can't do both! And no, I don't mean he "blinks" both eyes, I mean he can wink both eyes, one at a time. We all are in awe and he's like, yeah, so - what's the big deal? LOL

Tanner loves to sing us songs. Original songs. He makes them up on the spot. They don't always make sense, but he's singing his heart out just the same. We've decided that he's going to be out song-writer. With Hunter as the singer and Lizzie on an instrument, we've got ourselves a little band!

Bedtimes - we have a little ritual with Lizzie that I'll go into on her post - and Tanner has his own little thing he does as well. It's not just a bedtime thing either. He likes to "snuzzle"...this is where we rub our faces together....this is his favorite thing - even more than hugs and kisses! Of course, if Jeremy hasn't shaved, it's not necessarily a good thing! It's so sweet.

OK - well, if I think of more about our littlest monster, I'll edit and include it! For now - this is our Tanner update.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Another week...

Well - we're starting another week in the Scott household! Unfortunately, it's another BUSY one and another one minus the dad!

Life is busy and I know I need to continue with the Kids updates, Lizzie will be next - just need to take the time to sit and write it up.

A good report: The Daisy meeting went really well - we have a great group of girls and I'm really excited to get the group going. One thing I'm not thrilled to be starting is the Girl Scout Cookie sale...yuck. I'm really not good at this sort of thing, but we'll see how it goes! So, here's a shameless (or shameful) plug: want Girl Scout cookies??? Put your order in here! Want to help out Lizzie's troop, but don't want the cookies? You can order cookies to be donated to a charitable organization of the troops choice (we've not decided yet - most likely a homeless or woman's shelter).

I hope to get Lizzie's update up by Tuesday sometime! Too much going on tomorrow to mess with it! Errands, chiro appt., homework and Cub Scout meeting! UGH!

Happy Monday!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

New pics up

at dropshots.

Click here for pictures from our October trip with Mom and Dad Harrelson (Jeremy's parents) and also for Washington DC trip pictures. You'll find these folders on the left side of page under ALBUMS.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Awanas, Scouts and School....

and playgroups, gymnastics and church. Homework, playing and chores.

These are all things that the kids are up to these days. Seems something is always going on. I thought it was time for an update on the's been a while. Not too much has changed, but this will get you up to speed!

We'll start with Hunter - and I'll follow with Lizzie and Tanner on another day...this post has turned out to be quite long!

Hunter is doing great all around. He's growing so much, it's amazing! He's around 60 pounds now - and getting so tall. School is going well. I think he could take it or leave it. He enjoys it when he get there, but he's not terribly excited about school. He's doing well in his work. His reading has improved SOOO much since last year -and even better: he LOVES to read. He's either reading a Star Wars book or a Little House on the Prairie book (yes, on extreme opposite subjects! LOL He's ecclectic!).

Hunter is really involved in Cub Scouts (this could have something to do with us being the leaders!). He's earned his Bobcat and is working on his Wolf patch. He's also earned his communication beltloop (whatever that means! We're still learning!). His Rocket Derby is tomorrow night. He and Jeremy have been working on putting together, shaping and painting his rocket! We're really excited for him!

He also enjoys the Awanas program - tho' he's not as into is as Lizzie!
Hunter is still very much into Legos!! I would guess that he has THOUSANDS of little legos in his bucket upstairs! Crazy! He and Tanner like to build stuff all the time. Hunter built the best dinosaur/dragon the other day - with teeth and everything! I was impressed!

We're very proud to say that Hunter is just a GOOD KID. We get great reports all the time that he's so well-behaved in school - from other parents and teachers. Jeremy and I are very blessed to have such a son!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This wondrous thing...

I am a very practical person. Sometimes too practical for my own good. My husband has been working on me for the past 12 years...I'm learning that it's ok to be frivilous...JUST BECAUSE...every great once in a while - like once every other year (and also learning that we often get kicked in the financial butt for that). Anyway - this post isn't about being frugal, practical or SMART with money. This post is about the fact that:

I WANT AN IPOD!!!!....thanks to itunes (LOVE LOVE LOVE itunes)....and Jeremy.

Monday, November 17, 2008

It felt really nice

to be in church again Sabbath. We have really been struggling to find the right church. I have always had a weird reaction to people saying "we need to find the right church for us" or "that church wasn't the right fit for us". I just didn't like that it sounded like it was "all about them". And now here we are in the same boat.

We loved the people in the Boston church - it just didn't work. They are a 9-5 church that had little to nothing to offer to our children. It was really hard to drive that hour and 20 minutes to sit and try to keep the kids quiet OR to take them downstairs and "babysit" them and the other kids that joined us. I got NOTHING out of the services. Now, I did try to get a children's church going - it worked until I got burned out. Anyway, I digress. We do LOVE the people. We felt more welcomed and wanted there than anywhere else here in the northeast.

We tried out the local SDA church. Nice people, but we always felt like visitors. Another church that didn't fit.

We even considered attending on Sunday (yes, I heard some of you gasping). There are some really great churches around here, with some great children's programs. The kids already attend Awana's at a local southern baptist church and love it. We're not ruling it out completely, but for now:

We attended another SDA church in Amesbury, Mass this past Sabbath. There were not many people there and few children...but the hymns were familiar (it was so nice to sing again!) and the message was really good. And, there was no mention of Ellen B White (who I am sure was a great person, but I'm not comfortable putting her up there with Jesus like it appears the local SDA church does). The do have Sabbath school (we did not attend this time) and we'll take the kids next week for sure. Everyone was really nice and there were some young families there like ours! So - for now, we're going to see where this takes us.

Stay tuned....

Thursday, November 13, 2008


posts in one day? What's this world coming to?

Shins....yes, thats the subject of this post. I really don't care for my shins! LOL

We joined the Y a while back and I've been enjoying taking some aerobics classe and such - but apparently, I've done too much too soon! First we thought it was my shoes - well, we know that part of it was my shoes, but $80 later, I'm still having trouble. The class I take is pretty high impact. Lots of jumping and bouncing. Add that to being fairly new to the excercise scene after a year or so of NOTHING and to the fact that I'm dealing with more weight than ever before - my shins are taking a beating! So - hopefully with a little switch up, we can get to healing.

I think I'm going to back off on my class - Mondays and every other Friday - and the other times, I'll just be on the treadmill working at losing my weight and strengthening my legs.

I really do love that class tho'. Learning about lots of new music artists - this christian music-only girl is enjoying Avril, Christina and Rihanna! Seriously. What IS this world coming to?

And so it begins....

The "what was I thinking" phase of my life.

Jeremy and I recently decided to become Boy Scout den leaders. Yes, we're nuts.

Due to odd meeting times and conflict with gymnastics, I've decided to become a Daisy Scout leader. Yes, I'm completely insane.

We've been working with Hunter's den - volunteering at meetings and "getting our feet wet". So far, so ok. His Wolf den is huge - 16 or 17 boys. They really did need someone(s) to step up so that the group could be split. That's just tooooooo much energy for one group! We'll be working closely with the current den for a couple of months until we get the training we need and we're ready to be our own den! Yes, we're nuts.

Lizzie joined Daisy Scouts a couple of months ago and while she enjoys it, the timing is just off for us. For one, the meetings start at 3:00p.m. Ok, directly after school is usually good, but it's at a different elementary school. I'm not pulling out of the parking lot until 5 to 10 minutes after 3! So, we're always late. Also - Lizzie LOVES gymnastics - so we signed her up at the Y for her age group. She towered over everyone and was way more advanced, so the teacher bumped her up to the next group. YAY Lizzie, BUT - it was on the same day as Daisies! SO! I'm a glutton for punishment - I'm now going to lead a Daisy group on a different day.

Jeremy did just say that I'm now officially a soccer mom! But of course, no one here plays soccer.....yet.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My favorite day...

There is approximately 6 hours until what might be my favorite day of the year. November 5th. You know, the day AFTER November 4th.

So done.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


it's been a couple of more months. I've been so bad keeping up this blog! I have the dropshots where all our pictures are, but it doesn't really tell you what we're up to. So - here's a brief synopsis of our life right now!

Somehow we've managed to become REALLY busy - and somehow we're about to get busier! How does this happen? When school started, I was scrambling to find things that would keep Tanner and I busy - and keep the TV turned off. Now - between playgroups, the gym, volunteering at the school, Daisy scouts and Cub scouts - I'm finding that I'm not home for very long at all during the day! AND - add gymnastics that Lizzie's asking to join and the fact that Jeremy has volunteered us to be Cub Scout Den Leaders - I'm not sure if we'll ever be home. But hey - if you're not home, you can't mess it up, right? LOL There is a silver lining! Remind me of that when I'm losing my mind in a couple of months!!

Life in NH is going well. Our getting involved more is bringing new friends and that is certainly helping our being so far away from everyone!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

5 Months

YES, its been nearly 5 months since I last posted!! EEK! I know, I know. But honestly, my whole TWO loyal readers haven't complained! So - I've slacked off! And if you've been holding your breath for new pictures, you can go to Dropshots and view our latest! I'll be updating that much more regularly!

More to come............

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April 9 Pictures

Pictures at the beach on April 9 - a great day for kite flying. But it was cold!!!!

Bring on the rain....

ok, now make it stop.

Its been raining here for about 2 days. We're done. NO more! We need sunshine.

To add to our dismal-ness (yes, that's not really a word!!), our friends - L and T, just left headed to IL for the summer and then on to SC where they'll be stationed for the next 3 years. It was hard to say goodbye - they've really become such great friends and we're going to miss them terribly. The kids loved to play with T so much and Tanner especially will miss their playtimes.

Such is life...we know that nothing stays the same, but the adjustment is never fun.

On the upside - summer is ALMOST here and we're looking forward to getting out and meeting new people.

MINI UPDATE: Hunter and Lizzie have approximately 5 weeks of school left. Lizzie's last day is the 6th of June - and I believe she gets a "graduation ceremony" How fun! Hunter's official last day is June 18th - but we'll be leaving on the 12th, headed to KC for M & S's 50th Anniversary Celebration. We have a busy summer ahead of us! Tanner's still LOVING his playgroup and he hates to miss it.

More news to come later - and pictures too!!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

When you WANT to do the right thing...

Why is it so hard to help the less fortunate...ok, so that phrase isn't really fitting this situation, but kinda.

So, there are a couple of boys at our apt. complex (and that attend H's school) that are starved for attention (IMHO). During the summer, they would be at the playground, unsupervised and oft times be wondering around the complex. There's no way that their mom could see them from their apt. They have been asking to come over FOREVER. I always put them off, b/c I'd not met their mom and I'm not comfortable with kids being over without me knowing a parent. (Don't even get me started about letting my own kids go somewhere that I don't know a parent - that is a HUGE no-no!!). Anyway - a couple of weeks ago, they figured out exactly which apartment we live in (I'm sure H was happy to inform them! LOL). They showed up and I decided to let them come up and play a while.

I want my kids to be kind and loving to others - to EVERYONE - regardless of race, gender, etc. I want them to befriend the shy kids and be nice to the mean ones. I want them to stand up for the ones that get made fun of. These are things that I want to teach them to do.

But at what cost? How far do I let this go? These kids are just kids. They *seem* to come from a family that just overlooks them (to a degree - I'm not saying they are being completely neglected). I want to let them come into our home and feel important. But again, at what cost? They are influencing our kids in ways that I'm not liking at all. They are constantly asking for things (asking to have certain toys). I was told by another mom here at the complex that you have to check the older ones pockets upon their leaving. I've worked REALLY hard at not judginh them based on her comment. I don't watch them like a hawk (like I wanted to when they first came over). The older asked H for a toy when they were here once. It's something that was with a set and as nice as we could, we informed the kids that they couldn't give anything away *today* - trying to make it a point that maybe one time we would allow something like that. Then we overheard him whisper to H to just pretend that he lost it. AGHAGHAGH!

OK - done venting. I want to help these boys, but I don't want my kids picking up their bad habits.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Family Weekends

It's always nice to have Daddy home on the weekends, but of course, they go way too fast! It's Sunday, and we're already hating that he has to leave again tomorrow. I'm definitely ready for this specific install to be done!!

So today, we're just hanging out! Playing Legos and Webkins, watching some tv and doing some cleaning.

Hopefully this week will be better than last. It's no fun with sick kids! And although they're not 100%, I'm hopeful for a much better week!

Hopefully, my next post will have some birthday pictures from Tanner's party!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm pretty bummed...

When we moved here we quickly met a little boy named T and his mom L. L is married to a navy guy. We quickly became friends and have done things together quite a bit over the last 7 months. We knew that they were Navy and we would eventually say goodbye - but thought we had all summer to go. I found out today that they will be leaving the 3rd week of April. That's ONE month.

Anyway - we'll miss them alot. The kids love to play with T. And L is literally my one friend here.

I know that things change and life goes on - but today, I'm having a hard time with this. Please pray for us.

Monday, March 17, 2008

What's My News??

Because I know you are all on pins and needles trying figure out what our new is - I'm posting to put you out of your a minute...

Are we buying a house??? Are you kidding? LOL - NO. (Houses up here are outrageously expensive - we may rent forever).

Hmmm...are we going on a great vacation? Well - we do get to get away in June - Jeremy's parents will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary! Congrats Mom and Dad!! We're really looking forward to celebrating with them and seeing family. But that's not our news.

And we didn't win the lottery.

Ok - here ya go:
We've decided to homeschool the kids. Yep - thats all there is to it. No big deal to most, but I am super excited about it. We chose to hs for a few reasons. I had never wanted my kids in a public school by the time they were in middle school/jr. high. It had always been the plan to put them through elementary and them take them out after 5th grade. However, the more we thought about it - it just made sense to take them out now. I didn't want them developing close friendships and then us ripping them away from their friends. Also - with Jeremy's travels, this will make it much easier to join him when the opportunities arise to do so. Hunter's issues with the *bully* probably did push me to choose hs'ing now, because unfortunately, it just gets harder, not easier. Kids get more mean (not all kids, of course). So - we're taking the plunge and giving it our best shot. We'll start next school year. Please keep us in your prayers, we'll definitely need them!

Thanks for sharing in my news!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Life in New Hampshire

Well, it's been too long since I've updatd this blog. My apologies to those that actually come here to see what we're up to.

What have we been up to? Seems that much is going on, yet it's the same 'ole, same 'ole.

This winter has pushed my limits! Too much snow. I can't believe how much we've gotten. It even snowed this morning (MARCH 15th!!). We've been stuck in the apartment and it wears on my sanity! The kids are getting a bit stir-crazy too, so I hope it warms up soon. HOWEVER, after snow comes the MUD. I may decide I prefer the snow.

Jeremy's been traveling alot lately. We try to just go with the flow, but will be happier when he's home more!! We miss him when he's gone.

We're struggling with a home church. Our plan is to go back to the Boston COG7 next week and stay there. We've really missed being apart of a regular service. Please be in prayer for us regarding this issue.

The kids are doing great. We just can't believe how fast they're growing. They are all getting so tall (and outgrowing their clothing so quickly!).

Hunter is still enjoying his school. We did have a bit of an issue with a bully at school, but we are hoping that has been taken care of. It's really hard for me to call a 6-7 year old a bully. While it wasn't anything physical and it wasn't what most of us think a school bully is like, it was bullying all the same. Hunter is just fine and I hope he's learned a lesson from this as well.

Lizzie is doing REALLY well in preschool. She absolutely loves it. She would go all day, every day, if it were possible. She's has connected with a little girl named Caitlyn and they really enjoy each other. Lizzie got her ears pierced a month ago. She and DAD finally wore me down (sigh) and she really did well. I was really surprised at how brave she was. We took them out for the first time today to clean the earrings really good. I was a little concerned that she wouldn't let me put them back in, but she did!! We got her a new pair of earrings for her to wear - she gets them tomorrow. It's a surprise!

Tanner - turns 3 years old tomorrow and we really hope he doesn't outgrow his Diego kick anytime soon - as the party is ALL THINGS DIEGO! Go Diego Go! We're excited. This will really be his first birthday that he'll understand all the hype - so we're going all out (well, as all out as is possible for me - LOL). I made the cupcakes tonight - that will be iced and decorated tomorrow with Diego candies. Another big deal around here with Tanner is: HE'S POTTY-TRAINED! We started about 2 weeks ago and he's doing awesome!! He's even dry at night! NO more diapers! Tanner enjoys attending playgroup on Fridays and is always up for playdates with his *best buddy* Taite.

Well - I've got more news...but I'm going to post that later ( NO - I'm NOT pregnant!!! )

I'm sorry it took me so long to get this done and I hope to do better in the future!!

Update coming soon...

Hello my faithful 3 readers! LOL

I will be updating very soon - so please stay tuned. Lots of changes going on!!!

Saturday, January 05, 2008