Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Settling in...

we're trying anyway.

We've been here in Portsmouth for a week now and so far so good. We've got ALMOST everything unpacked. I just finished the kids room today. WOW they have alot of shoes. HAHA. If I had 1/2 as many, I'd be doing great!! (I think that Jeremy's grateful that I'm not a shoe person!) The only room left unfinished is our room - isn't it typical that Mom and Dad's room is last (and usually never finished?).

We've managed to meet some kids and a couple of moms. At the playground yesterday I chatted with a mom that's probably around my age. They are a Navy family and have 1 child. He's 3.5 (I think) - so a good age between Tanner and Lizzie. She and I talked for quite a while - it was nice conversing with an adult! Lizzie made friends with a little girl that shares her name! She's 5 and as a little brother. It was nice fo them to have kids to play with. There are usually older boys on the this was a nice change.

I'm hoping to get some pictures in the next couple of days and will post them here.
We miss all our Owosso friends!!! Love to all.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

We're HERE!

Well - we finally made it to NH. We arrived Wednesday, August 15 around 3p.m. We picked up our apartment keys and checked out our new pad. LOL. It's small. I'm not sure how everything will fit, but we'll manage I guess. We stayed two nights in a hotel, b/c our things didn't arrive until Friday morning. After spending most of the day Friday directing movers and such, we looked around at the sea of boxes and wondered what in the world we were thinking!! Just kidding. It will take a while to get it all put away, but we'll get there!

The kids are doing great. They're adjusting better than me! They love the playgroud (it is pretty nice). They have a playroom in the loft of the apartment...that's kind of neat! All three will share a room for now...they prefer it that way.

I'll continue to update here as I can. I'm going to try to get some pictures taken soon and get them posted on here as well!

I guess that's all for now. Please keep us in your prayers.