Friday, January 09, 2009

Tanner...what can I say?

One of these days he's totally going to embarrass me - in the grocery store, or church, or school - but for now, when it's at home - it's just down right funny:

Tanner and Dad are sitting on the couch, each at opposite ends.

Tanner: Dad, do you smell any gas?
Dad: No.
Tanner: I do.
Tanner moves right next to Dad.
Tanner: Dad, do you smell gas now?
Dad: Yes.....(gross look on his face)
Tanner: I farted (evil grin and laugh)

I blame his father.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Ringing in 2009...

...ok, more like whispering in 2009. Our New Year's Eve proved quite uneventful and very quiet! We didn't even watch the ball drop! I was actually in bed reading (an awesome book, btw!) when 2008 became 2009. Jeremy was at the kitchen table working on his laptop and said, Happy New Year, to which I replied, Happy New Year. We didn't even kiss. LOL We're so old. Or maybe we're just boring.

We usually do up New Years here in our home - and this year, while maybe more subdued, we still had a good time! Yesterday, we munched on Rice Krispie treats shaped into flowers, butterflies, circles, teddy bears, stars and hearts. We also had quesadillas...mmmmm...
The kids each received two shirts/sweaters this year. Hunter got a Star Wars Clone Wars long sleeve tee and zip hoodie. Tanner got a Star Wars Clone Wars long sleeve tee and Alvin & the Chipmunks long sleeve tee (Tanner LOVES Alvin & the Chipmunks movie!). Lizzie got a sparkly pink sweater w/ hood and a Tinkerbell long sleeve tee. (can you tell I love long sleeve tees?) Today, Daddy surprised us by getting Hunter a Remote Control monster truck, Lizzie an Easy Bake Oven and Tanner a giant mac truck with hot wheels type cars and a new Indiana Jones sword! It's been fun!! We also surprised the kids with movie tickets to Disney's Bedtime Stories. A fun, CLEAN movie!

All in all - a great start to the New Year!!!
Happy New Year to all!!