Sunday, November 30, 2008

New pics up

at dropshots.

Click here for pictures from our October trip with Mom and Dad Harrelson (Jeremy's parents) and also for Washington DC trip pictures. You'll find these folders on the left side of page under ALBUMS.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Awanas, Scouts and School....

and playgroups, gymnastics and church. Homework, playing and chores.

These are all things that the kids are up to these days. Seems something is always going on. I thought it was time for an update on the's been a while. Not too much has changed, but this will get you up to speed!

We'll start with Hunter - and I'll follow with Lizzie and Tanner on another day...this post has turned out to be quite long!

Hunter is doing great all around. He's growing so much, it's amazing! He's around 60 pounds now - and getting so tall. School is going well. I think he could take it or leave it. He enjoys it when he get there, but he's not terribly excited about school. He's doing well in his work. His reading has improved SOOO much since last year -and even better: he LOVES to read. He's either reading a Star Wars book or a Little House on the Prairie book (yes, on extreme opposite subjects! LOL He's ecclectic!).

Hunter is really involved in Cub Scouts (this could have something to do with us being the leaders!). He's earned his Bobcat and is working on his Wolf patch. He's also earned his communication beltloop (whatever that means! We're still learning!). His Rocket Derby is tomorrow night. He and Jeremy have been working on putting together, shaping and painting his rocket! We're really excited for him!

He also enjoys the Awanas program - tho' he's not as into is as Lizzie!
Hunter is still very much into Legos!! I would guess that he has THOUSANDS of little legos in his bucket upstairs! Crazy! He and Tanner like to build stuff all the time. Hunter built the best dinosaur/dragon the other day - with teeth and everything! I was impressed!

We're very proud to say that Hunter is just a GOOD KID. We get great reports all the time that he's so well-behaved in school - from other parents and teachers. Jeremy and I are very blessed to have such a son!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This wondrous thing...

I am a very practical person. Sometimes too practical for my own good. My husband has been working on me for the past 12 years...I'm learning that it's ok to be frivilous...JUST BECAUSE...every great once in a while - like once every other year (and also learning that we often get kicked in the financial butt for that). Anyway - this post isn't about being frugal, practical or SMART with money. This post is about the fact that:

I WANT AN IPOD!!!!....thanks to itunes (LOVE LOVE LOVE itunes)....and Jeremy.

Monday, November 17, 2008

It felt really nice

to be in church again Sabbath. We have really been struggling to find the right church. I have always had a weird reaction to people saying "we need to find the right church for us" or "that church wasn't the right fit for us". I just didn't like that it sounded like it was "all about them". And now here we are in the same boat.

We loved the people in the Boston church - it just didn't work. They are a 9-5 church that had little to nothing to offer to our children. It was really hard to drive that hour and 20 minutes to sit and try to keep the kids quiet OR to take them downstairs and "babysit" them and the other kids that joined us. I got NOTHING out of the services. Now, I did try to get a children's church going - it worked until I got burned out. Anyway, I digress. We do LOVE the people. We felt more welcomed and wanted there than anywhere else here in the northeast.

We tried out the local SDA church. Nice people, but we always felt like visitors. Another church that didn't fit.

We even considered attending on Sunday (yes, I heard some of you gasping). There are some really great churches around here, with some great children's programs. The kids already attend Awana's at a local southern baptist church and love it. We're not ruling it out completely, but for now:

We attended another SDA church in Amesbury, Mass this past Sabbath. There were not many people there and few children...but the hymns were familiar (it was so nice to sing again!) and the message was really good. And, there was no mention of Ellen B White (who I am sure was a great person, but I'm not comfortable putting her up there with Jesus like it appears the local SDA church does). The do have Sabbath school (we did not attend this time) and we'll take the kids next week for sure. Everyone was really nice and there were some young families there like ours! So - for now, we're going to see where this takes us.

Stay tuned....

Thursday, November 13, 2008


posts in one day? What's this world coming to?

Shins....yes, thats the subject of this post. I really don't care for my shins! LOL

We joined the Y a while back and I've been enjoying taking some aerobics classe and such - but apparently, I've done too much too soon! First we thought it was my shoes - well, we know that part of it was my shoes, but $80 later, I'm still having trouble. The class I take is pretty high impact. Lots of jumping and bouncing. Add that to being fairly new to the excercise scene after a year or so of NOTHING and to the fact that I'm dealing with more weight than ever before - my shins are taking a beating! So - hopefully with a little switch up, we can get to healing.

I think I'm going to back off on my class - Mondays and every other Friday - and the other times, I'll just be on the treadmill working at losing my weight and strengthening my legs.

I really do love that class tho'. Learning about lots of new music artists - this christian music-only girl is enjoying Avril, Christina and Rihanna! Seriously. What IS this world coming to?

And so it begins....

The "what was I thinking" phase of my life.

Jeremy and I recently decided to become Boy Scout den leaders. Yes, we're nuts.

Due to odd meeting times and conflict with gymnastics, I've decided to become a Daisy Scout leader. Yes, I'm completely insane.

We've been working with Hunter's den - volunteering at meetings and "getting our feet wet". So far, so ok. His Wolf den is huge - 16 or 17 boys. They really did need someone(s) to step up so that the group could be split. That's just tooooooo much energy for one group! We'll be working closely with the current den for a couple of months until we get the training we need and we're ready to be our own den! Yes, we're nuts.

Lizzie joined Daisy Scouts a couple of months ago and while she enjoys it, the timing is just off for us. For one, the meetings start at 3:00p.m. Ok, directly after school is usually good, but it's at a different elementary school. I'm not pulling out of the parking lot until 5 to 10 minutes after 3! So, we're always late. Also - Lizzie LOVES gymnastics - so we signed her up at the Y for her age group. She towered over everyone and was way more advanced, so the teacher bumped her up to the next group. YAY Lizzie, BUT - it was on the same day as Daisies! SO! I'm a glutton for punishment - I'm now going to lead a Daisy group on a different day.

Jeremy did just say that I'm now officially a soccer mom! But of course, no one here plays soccer.....yet.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My favorite day...

There is approximately 6 hours until what might be my favorite day of the year. November 5th. You know, the day AFTER November 4th.

So done.