Monday, August 23, 2010

A New Schedule

Well, I wouldn't go as far as calling last week a bust. We got some good school in - and I think they learned something. But I found that there were WAY too many interruptions and I wasn't getting enough one-on-one time with each child. So - we're going to try something new...

I've decide to set up centers. Our centers will be:
Free Reading - self explanatory
Games - all educational
Flashcards - all educational
Crafts - their chance to be creative!
Typing - for Lizzie and Hunter
Science - books and activities pertaining to current topic of study
History - " "
Free time - they can choose free time ONCE a day, and get to do whatever they want non-educational (except TV or non-ed computer games)

So - I have also changed our subject schedule. M-W, we will hit Math and Language hard. I will spend 1.5 hours with each child to cover both subjects (45 min. each). During that time, the other two will choose centers - in 15 minute slots. They will each have a timer so they know when to move on! Thursdays will be Science and History - and we'll spend a couple of hours each working on our current topic of study. This time will include reading, reviewing, crafts, experiements and even some field trips. Fridays will be homework, catch up, field trip and library days.

Subjects covered:

Language (includes: reading, writing, spelling, grammar)
History (includes: US History, US Geography, plus)
Bible - Bible is M-Th before anything else!!!

I feel pretty good about our schedule...hope that it sticks and we get alot of learning done!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday and Wednesday!

Some pics and conversations from our first couple of days in school!

Tanner had the following answers on his Bible worksheet (he dictated, I wrote it down).

Q: Write one or two sentences that tell what God's special creation (man) can do that animals cannot do.

A: (in list form) read, buy food, drive cars, smell (well, some animals can't, he said!), talk, open doors, fireworks LOL

When asked what bone God made woman from, Tanner answered - in all seriousness - "The funny bone"...but after laughing and before correcting, he answered it correctly!

Here are a few pictures of our school day...sorry for a couple of doubles, posting pics isn't very user-friendly!

Edited to add: The craft that the kids made is the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria...

Monday, August 16, 2010

1st Day of School? nah...

Ok, so around 11:30 last night I realized some key items that needed to be done, didn't get done. So - today will be Last Day of Prep...sigh.

So - we're keeping school hours and getting it done completely! And we're also getting a visit to the library in as well. Tanner is READY to start, so I'll work with him on a few review items.

Until tomorrow...hopefully I'll have some pics to post!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

School Starts Monday!

Yes, I do still exist. Yes, I still have 3 great kids and Yes, we are still homeschooling.

Well, it's time for another year of school!! I'm excited to get started! I think that this year will be quite a bit different from last year. We're going in a whole different direction - and I'm hoping that it will be more fun for the kids.

To start the year, we'll be studying the following:

Math - we'll be using MathUSee this year. I'm really excited to get started on this curriculum. I'm sure some of you remember the issues we had last year in math. Poor Hunter and Abeka math just did not get along. I've hears SUCH good things about MUS, I'm excited to get started! (guess that means I need to look at those DVDs and learn it myself now!! nothing like procrastination)

Language/Reading - we're using

Science - we're starting out with The Human Body, with books purchased from Mardel and various online resources (lessonpathways). We'll also study Weather, Electricity, Magnetism and other subjects, tbd at a later date.

History - A Child's Story of America, Native Americans (using online and library resources), Missouri History, US States/Capitals (books, games and flashcards from Mardel). We'll also be looking into Medieval times due to special request from Hunter!

Handwriting - A Reason for Handwriting

We'll also be doing lots of arts and crafts - and learning some sign language.

I'm looking forward to getting our year started. Stay tuned!!