Friday, January 09, 2009

Tanner...what can I say?

One of these days he's totally going to embarrass me - in the grocery store, or church, or school - but for now, when it's at home - it's just down right funny:

Tanner and Dad are sitting on the couch, each at opposite ends.

Tanner: Dad, do you smell any gas?
Dad: No.
Tanner: I do.
Tanner moves right next to Dad.
Tanner: Dad, do you smell gas now?
Dad: Yes.....(gross look on his face)
Tanner: I farted (evil grin and laugh)

I blame his father.


LilRedJo said...

Boys. What else can I say?

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

Now that's funny! LOL! How old is he? Happy New Year!

Liz said...

That is hilarious! I can just see his cute little face grinning at Jeremy. What a stinker...literally!