Sunday, October 26, 2008


it's been a couple of more months. I've been so bad keeping up this blog! I have the dropshots where all our pictures are, but it doesn't really tell you what we're up to. So - here's a brief synopsis of our life right now!

Somehow we've managed to become REALLY busy - and somehow we're about to get busier! How does this happen? When school started, I was scrambling to find things that would keep Tanner and I busy - and keep the TV turned off. Now - between playgroups, the gym, volunteering at the school, Daisy scouts and Cub scouts - I'm finding that I'm not home for very long at all during the day! AND - add gymnastics that Lizzie's asking to join and the fact that Jeremy has volunteered us to be Cub Scout Den Leaders - I'm not sure if we'll ever be home. But hey - if you're not home, you can't mess it up, right? LOL There is a silver lining! Remind me of that when I'm losing my mind in a couple of months!!

Life in NH is going well. Our getting involved more is bringing new friends and that is certainly helping our being so far away from everyone!

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