Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Another Tanner funny!

Well I'm determined to do better on these blog entries. I'm not sure how long that will last, but hey, I'm trying!

Yesterday, I took Lizzie and Tanner to ride their bikes down at the basketball court area. This requires loading the bikes in the van, unloading and them riding or walking their bikes a little ways down to the concrete area. So - I push Tanner most of the way and when we get to the riding area, he decides he's done (of course!) and gets off his trike and takes off his helmet.

I asked him: Are you done riding your bike Tanner?

Tanner: Yes.

Me: Really, you're all done??

Tanner: Yes, I'm done.

Me: Well, what are you doing to do now? (there are no toys in this area)

Tanner: oh, just chill out.

Me: (completely cracking up here) What did you say??

Tanner: I'm just gonna chill out.

He is just keeping us in stitches lately!!

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