Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Figured it Out!!

Ok, I have been trying to update this blog all summer long and have had some trouble. A couple of months ago, I got a nasty virus on my computer and nearly lost it! Jeremy managed to save it for me, but not without a few weird quirks. One: I can create a post, edit a post, add pics to a post, but can't publish a post from the main screen. I just now figured out how to get a post published, so hopefully I'll be more regular with updates!!!
And that's my update for today - as I'm dealing with an allergy/sinus issue - coupled with quitting pop and it's not going well!!
Happy Stinkin' Tuesday.


LilRedJo said...

Sorry you are not well. :( Glad you are back to blogging.

Amy said...

Thanks Kim!