Saturday, September 17, 2005

Interesting family...trivia?

Maybe not trivia, not sure what to call it, but here ya go:

Jeremy asked me quite some time ago if I realized how all the 'numbers' in the family linked up. This is what he meant:

Hunter & Liz are 22 months apart.
Liz & Tanner are 22 months apart.
Jeremy and I are 22 months apart. (insert Twilight Zone theme - LOL!)

Our birth months are:

March - Tanner
April - Me
May - Lizzie
June - Jeremy
July - Hunter

Hunter's month and year 7/01 = 8
Lizzie's month and year 5/03 = 8
Tanner's month and year 3/05 = 8

Anyway - kinda cool, kind corny!

Can you tell it's wwwaaaayyy past my bedtime and I'm avoiding it??

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