Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Kiddie Updates 10-26-06 (from MySpace)

Hunter: Loving school! Says "dude" about everything. That word has taken the place of the following phrases: "That's cool.", "Do I have to?", "Can I have that?", you say the phrase, he has somehow replaced it with "dude". HUH? I admit that he got some of it from me. I call them dudes all the time, but I don't use the word in those contexts...I'm not a 15 year old male! And neither is he - tho' apparently he thinks he is.

Lizzie: What can I say about our only, spoiled rotten baby girl? She's a bit whiny these days and doesn't seem to know how to listen, but she's the sweetest whiner out there. Also, she's very big into protecting her mama. Gotta love that one. She's very much enjoying going to Story Hour at the Library. She also gets to take her cousin/friend Chloe. It's been fun!

Tanner: Same tank as always! Big news: For the last 4 nights, he's not had a bottle in the middle of night. (yes, many of you think I had already had that problem under control - don't ask!). I've refused to bring him downstairs and we're down to waking once and fussing for about 10 minutes before falling asleep again. BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT for the little guy! As soon as the boy starts sleeping through the entire night, I'm gonna yank the bottle completely!!
That's the kids - in a nutshell!

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