Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Schedule

A few weeks ago, I tried to put our school time on a schedule. Every subject had a start time and end time. That DID NOT work. It was too much pressure on all of us and when we didn't get it right, it caused frustration which caused more stress. So, after one day, I threw it out the window. I'm not sure why I tried that, but it was a FAIL.

While a schedule for school work isn't what we need - a schedule for our day is in order!! So, we're going to give it a shot!

Our proposed daily schedule:
6:30 a.m. - Mom's wake up call
7:30 a.m. - Kids' wake up and breakfast call
8:30 a.m. - School starts - Our school time will continue as is: H & L have workboxes with their daily work...when their boxes are empty, their school day is done. Currently, we have 5-6 workboxes per day, but I'm actually hoping to up that to about 7-8, maybe more. It wouldn't necessarily be more work, but the work they have broken down into more boxes to make each box seem like less work!! I'm also hoping to add in more "elective" type work. We currently don't do much more than our core curriculum: math, language, reading, science, history, handwriting, spelling, Bible. I'd like to toss in Sign Language, music, art, etc. Not every day, but a few times per week. We'll see, that's a thought in progress.
12:00 - lunch - we may or may not be done at this point in the day. Whatever isn't done, will have to be finished up around our afternoon activities. The plan will be directly after lunch, but some of our home school group activities may push those times to later.

Currently, our activity schedule is:
Monday 2-3p.m. - Homeschool Open Gym at the YMCA
Tuesday 1:30(?)-? - Library Day (details still being worked out)
Wednesday 6:20-8p.m. - Awana
Thursday Homeschool Open Gymnastics at Beverly YMCA (we've not done this yet, but I plan to add it in - we need more physical activity) - checking on times
Friday No activity - our down time!

I'm excited to get underway on this schedule. When Jeremy is gone, which is often, our days just kind mumble jumble around - and we need a bit more structure.

Here's hoping that this helps us be more productive as students/teacher, which will in turn, help me be more productive as a housewife and MOM!

Until next time....


LilRedJo said...

I tried a 'set' schedule too, a few years back. It lasted like 1/2 a day...oh well :)

Amy said...

the whole timed subject thing was a BAD idea for us, but I'm hoping that this daily routine will work...we need it!!

Rebecca said...

Sounds great!!!

I am thinking of doing sign language this summer with the kids...should be fun!!!