Monday, January 11, 2010

Starting our week off right! ;)

Well, we started our week with a day off! I'm sure that's just the way the kids like it!

Dad took the day off work to run some errands (we had to visit the Registry of Motor Vehicles - 'nuff said), so we did some extra work last week and will do some extra work this week to make up for that time off. So, we headed out at 8:30a.m. and with a couple stops back home, we ended our day day around 6p.m.

The fun part of our day was swimming and homeschool gym at the Y! The kids had a great time and I'm hoping that means they'll sleep hard tonight (which hopefully means they won't be in my bed in the middle of the night).

This week we'll be starting Hunter's new spelling book. We've decided to go with *Book 3*. We'll also be working on our Sense Organs/Nervous System lapbook. I'm excited to get started on some lapbooks...just hope that they go over well with the kids!

Anyway, along with the rest of our regular work, it should be a full week!

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

LilRedJo said...

Sounds like a busy day:)