Thursday, January 07, 2010

A New Direction

Since I've been Facebooking I have been very lazy in keeping up with my blog! I really do want to keep this going, so I'm going to change directions and share about our homeschooling experiences here!

A brief intro - for any new readers:
We are the Scotts - family of 5, living in New England. Jeremy and I have been married for 13+ years and have 2 boys and 1 girl. Hunter is 8 and a half, Lizzie is 6 and a half and Tanner will be 5 in March.

This is our first year homeschooling. Homeschooling was something I always planned to do, just not necessarily this soon. The plan was to start schooling at home when they got to Jr. High age - but due to excessive traveling on the husbands part :) - we decided to give it a try, hoping to start traveling some with Dad!

We are currently using A Beka curriculum for most of our studies and we loosely use Sue Patrick's workbox system I'm pretty happy with what we are using, but am constantly looking to see what else is out there.

Hopefully, this blog with be an outlet for me to share our day, our successes, MY frustrations, etc.

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