Friday, January 21, 2011


Update - after I cleared the mailbox, BEFORE the mail came - snow plow came and finally did his job. Of course.

Shoveling......Mailbox.....Reprimand (in form of postcard)......More shoveling.....Letter of complaint to the city because they apparently don't know how to plow a road properly.....

Who would have thought we would have a REAL need for a snow blower here?

Exhaustion....and might not be able to move tomorrow.

OH - the ice melt worked, wish I had enough to cover the ENTIRE drive.


LilRedJo said...

Needing a snowblower?:Haha I think that's just part of living farther south, than you previously were. People from 'up North' always make fun of us 'okies'b/c of how we react with snow. We only get snow a handful of times a year. Of course we 'don't know how to drive on it.'
We had two, TWO, major ice storms in 2 years. One paralyzed us, the other just knocked the majority of our power out for weeks in some cases. (for my family, 10 days, 7 of which were spent with no lights, using only our fireplace for heat, snuggled together in the living room so we didn't freeze to death, and eating out of our pantry, since the shelves at Walmart were BARE/the milk/meat trucks couldn't delivery thru the ice; the other 3, my husband's company put us up in a hotel) Now, on the news people from 'up north' are making fun of us for buying supplies for the upcoming storms. Laughing they say, 'It's just a dusting.' Yes, that is true, but unless you've been paralyzed, or powerless, you(they) probably aren't as nervous about it.
We do not deal with this weather constantly. We do not have snow/ice routes. We(Okies) just deal with it a few days out of the year, and try not to get hurt/kill someone during it!
Okay, now that my 'rant' is over;) This might help explain why you need a snow blower:D
Please understand that I mean all of this in a light-hearted way.

LilRedJo said...

Whoa, that was a LONG comment...sorry.