Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What A Week!!!!...

So far!!!!

Well, We're on Snow Day #3. I have enjoyed having my kids home! It's been fun to stay up a little late and sleep in a little late. The kids are enjoying the time home - and playing in the snow when it's warm enough (so far, thats only been Monday!) It's been like old times (well, except we've not had to school on these snow days, which has been nice!)....

But - it sure has wreaked havoc on my new found routine!!!! Ehh....who needs routine?? or a clean house!!??

I do have to say that I'm surprised they cancelled school today. I can definitely tell that the midwest is not equipped to "quickly" handle the clean-up. I guess that's ok - things just slow down around here and there's nothing wrong with that!

Happy Wednesday!


H, L and T's Grandma said...

Hey how are ya? How much snow did you get? We only got maybe an inch but it is bitterly cold. There was no school yesterday but roads are clear today. Mostly north sides of the hills were slick yesterday morning....guess that's why they cancelled school. I think it was only Chelsea, Foyil and Sequoyah that was out...where the hills are! It is almost noon and it is 12 degrees with a wind chill of 5. This morning it was 8 degrees and -3 when the kids got on the bus! But the sun is shining brightly and if I keep wood in the stove I can pretend it is much warmer than it really is...just hope I don't have to get out in it...well, at least till 4:30 when I have to pick up Kiera from Girl Scouts. Catch ya later.
PS. By the way, I realize this box is to leave a comment, not a whole letter, but I'm still getting used to you not being on Facebook...I check your blog 2-3 times a day to see if you've added anything, LOL, so it'll take me awhile... I need to remember I can just e-mail you, but when I'm commenting on your blog..well.. and getting to your blog is so much easier than my e-mail! Need to fix that, I guess..LOL!

Amy said...


You can leave a long msg on here as often as you want!!! Good hear from you...

I've been meaning to call, but with the kids home, I've just not found the time! I'll try to call later....

As far as schools being out, I've had to remember that not everyone lives one minute away from the school and would have no problem getting to school...haha...

Love ya'll!


Tracy said...

H, L &T's BFF said: My homeschoolers are jealous of your snow days! Funny thing is...we have to run our private schoolers to school first on our snow days! We are taking B and J skiing tomorrow while the big boys are in school...I guess we could call that a snow day!