Thursday, March 15, 2007

Let's take the Dentist Skating

ok, maybe not -

Stay tuned for reports from the dentist!! Say a little prayer that they are happy with Hunter's teeth!...especially the spacers. We've not been as good with those as we should be!! UGH! They'll have to take that up with his Dad!! Hunter has 5 teeth coming in right now. Two 6 year molars (the other two are already in), two front bottom teeth, one front top tooth. Poor kid...
This is cool for him - but one bad thing. One tooth on the bottom is coming in VERY crooked. So - we'll ask today if we can do anything to help that or not...probably not. Boogers.

Lizzie gets hers cleaned too - so far, she's only ever had 1 cavity. I hope that we'll get a clean bill of health for her little toofers today.

Tanner might get a lap visit - where they just take a peek at his teeth - no real cleaning. They don't start that until they are three - unless there are problems - which is what I want them to see about today. We don't have the best dental genes in this family - so want to start early!!

AND - tonight's the skaing night. Tanner is going to Uncle Tim and Aunt Lisa's - and Jeremy is getting to go with Hunter, Liz and I. It should be fun - and I'm sure a bit painful!! I'll post tomorrow with severity, location and colors of bruises! HAHA -

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