Thursday, March 08, 2007

So - here's Liz's latest! What ever will I do with that girl??? LOL

Yesterday we had the water turned off for a while, Jeremy had to replace some plumbing downstairs in the basement! That's another post in itself and I'll get to that! LOL

She was thirsty and kept telling me so. I told her that I was sorry, but she would have to wait a few more minutes until the water was back on...of course, being three years (almost 4!) old, she continued to inform me that she was thirsty. About 4 more times, back to back. I was getting a tad irritated and told her not to say it AGAIN! Instantly she tells me again. So (being me), she gets one more chance. I told her if she said it one more time, she would be in TROUBLE. About THREE seconds later, she tells me............"Mom, my throat is dry!." ja;lgjawjfhoiwehfo'iwehf;oawhe

She spent some time in time-out...and her dad and I laughed about that one later.

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