Saturday, December 04, 2010

feels like

poo -

oh, oops, this isn't facebook.

I must admit that tonight I am missing good ole FB. Jeremy left for Germany this morning. As soon as we got home from church, Lizzie's ear started hurting and she's been crying ever since (pretty much, anyway). A couple of hours ago, I started feeling icky. Feeling that cold that Lizzie and Tanner have been dealing with coming on. Sigh.... And no one to commiserate with.... LOL

ok, done with my dribble...


LilRedJo said...

I understand! I have wondered, 'what did I do before FB?' Honestly, I have a cleaner home, more clean laundry (put away even), more schoolwork graded, and I'm generally more happy, without FB. After a 2 week vacation, I got home and looked at our PC and said to myself, "Humpff, I don't even care what those FB people are saying." Don't misunderstand, I am not 'all about me,' but it was nice to focus on MY family. Anyway, I hope your life w/out FB goes smoothly for you:)

Amy said...

FB was my connection to the outside world when we lived in New England. It really helped me to stay "un-depressed" (LOL) while I was often alone out there. Since being here in MO - I still saw it as a connection, but as I said, it was getting to be too much. And honestly, today is really the first day I've missed it since I started avoiding it on Monday. I know that I'll have more days like today where I feel disconnected, but this is still the right move. I hope that by the time Jeremy gets home (in two weeks), I'll also be able to say that my home stays cleaner, laundry stays done, etc...

Thanks for the good wishes for a successful FB-free life! :)

Hope your evening is going well!

H, L and T's Grandma said...

Hey Amy, I must admit..I miss you on Facebook, but I do understand where you are coming from with your decision. I need to make the same decision myself! I've found myself on even more since you said you were getting off, not sure why?!?!? But I've got to buckle down and get busy with a lot of things, so I'm starting tomorrow to (try) to only get on FB once a day for only 15 minutes and then I'm done!! Of course, I will be on looking to see if you've posted on here for the day! Anyway, missing all of you. Have a good Sunday, might talk to you sometime tomorrow or Monday. keep your chin up! I love you!

H, L and T's Grandma said...

Ok, I think I fixed my display name so it won't have all those "amp;#39" in it! Just had to change the "&" to "and".